Headteacher Blog
Although you all receive the newsletter via email and it is on the website as a pdf we are aware that it is not possible to translate it this way. We hope to use this page as a way of sharing the Co-Head Teacher letters and other information about the daily life of the school.
Any feedback is appreciated.
31st January 2025
Dear families of RHJ,
This morning the whole school enjoyed a treat as we had a pantomime in school: Beauty and the Beast. We believe that exposure to live performances, whether that be a play, concert or dance show, broadens the children’s understanding of the world and can spark their imaginations, hopefully inspiring them to participate in the arts themselves. Here are some of the comments from Oak Class: ‘It was very funny. We were included and got to sing some good songs.’; ‘The props and costumes were very realistic.’; ‘It was very lively and the songs were catchy.’; ‘I would describe it as magic.’
Science Success
On Tuesday, our school science team took part in the semi-finals of the National Science Quiz. Mrs Douglas was hugely impressed by our pupils’ knowledge and attitude as they completed the different rounds. We finished 24th out of the 39 schools in the semi-final which was a great result, especially when you consider the number of schools that had already been knocked out in the first round. A big well done goes to everyone that took part including our team of reserves.
Children’s Mental Health Week
Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week. We will be marking this with some special activities in class based around the Inside Out films. However, don’t worry if you and your family have not seen them. The children will be able to fully access the lessons without any prior knowledge of the films. This week’s Wake-Up Wednesday also related to children’s mental health, so please have a read of that if you have not already done so.
Studio Car Park
This week there have been a couple of near misses with cars driving out of the Studio car park after dropping children off for Breakfast Club. Please take care when exiting – the view of the pavement is extremely limited and a large number of pedestrians use the route at that time of day.
School Bags
Recently, a small number of children have been bringing backpacks into school which have trolley handles and wheels. Whilst they are good fun, they are just not practical for school. The bags are too large to fit onto our pegs and stick out in the corridors, creating a trip hazard. Please help us avoid accidents by not sending your child into school with one of these bags.
A new junior parkrun has been launched at Wilson’s School. It’s a free, weekly, 2km run, walk or jog for children aged 4-14. It takes place every Sunday morning from 9am and is a great way for children to get active, make friends and enjoy the outdoors in a safe and supportive environment.
Find out more by visiting www.parkrun.org.uk/wilsonsschool-juniors/
There is also a junior parkrun at Nonsuch park on the same day and time: www.parkrun.org.uk/nonsuch-juniors/
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Acting Co-Head Teacher
24th January 2025
Dear families of RHJ,
This half term is whizzing past – unbelievably we are already halfway through. Although we had a torrential downpour at drop-off time this morning, it feels like the evenings are starting to get lighter so hopefully it won’t be long before Spring is on its way.
You might remember that Mrs Douglas and some fantastic parent and pupil helpers spent a very wet evening walking the streets of Sutton in December with a Christmas Float organised by the Cheam and Sutton Rotary Club. On Tuesday evening, Mrs Douglas attended a meeting where the fund-raising totals were announced. Once again, the event has raised £900 for our school! That’s a truly spectacular amount so a huge thanks goes to everyone who volunteered to take part. Mrs Douglas already has lots of ideas about how best to spend the money to benefit the whole school.
Thanks must also go to the brave parents/carers/relatives who volunteered to work through a SATs maths paper with their child as part of a Year 6 workshop this week. The standard expected of the children surprised a lot of people and I know that the adults who attended were impressed with the knowledge and confidence shown by the children. Next week there is the opportunity for Year 6 families to complete a reading paper. I think those of you attending will be amazed by the level of skill and precision needed to complete the paper effectively.
Next Friday we have a treat for the whole school. All of the children will be watching a panto: Beauty and the Beast. Rather than having this treat before Christmas when there is already lots happening, we thought it would be nice to have it at the end of January which can be a quieter time. The show will be in the hall as part of the school day.
Finally, I’d like to give you advanced warning that we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. More details will follow soon but the children will have the option to dress up on that day if they choose to do so. There will also be a Book Fair in school that week.
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Acting Co-Head Teacher
17th January 2025
Dear families of RHJ,
As you are already aware, we’ve seen unusually high numbers of pupil and staff absence this week due to fever and other symptoms of acute respiratory infection. Thank you for supporting us by following the advice we sent out earlier in the week. The absence numbers appear to be settling down a bit now so hopefully we are over the worst of it. If you or members of your family are still feeling unwell, we wish you a speedy recovery.
Pupil Voice
At Robin Hood, we are always keen to hear the thoughts, wishes and opinions of our children and use these as the basis to make improvements at school. This week I’d like to share 2 examples where ‘Pupil Voice’ has led to change.
In October, Miss Taylor and Mrs Downes surveyed the entire school to collect their thoughts about PE. Whilst the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, quite a few of the responses suggested that PE would be even better if we taught a wider range of sports, with cricket, rugby and tennis all frequently mentioned.
Since that survey, Miss Taylor and Mrs Downes have reviewed our entire curriculum as well as completing an inventory of our PE resources. As a result, we have invested in a new scheme of work and also purchased lots of new equipment. This week, the teachers had time to look at the new scheme and are excited to start teaching the new lessons which will include cricket, rugby and tennis!
My second example relates to school dinners. After surveying the children across the school, we are going to try serving mashed potatoes instead of roast potatoes next Wednesday. A few of the children had pointed out that a large number of roast potatoes were being thrown away uneaten each week and suggested that mashed potato might be more popular. We’ll see how that goes next week!
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Acting Co-Head Teacher
10th January 2025
Dear families of RHJ,
Happy New Year! It has been lovely to see all the children back this week. I hope that you all managed to have some rest over the holidays and avoided the worst of the many colds, coughs and other assorted bugs that are busy doing the rounds at the moment. On behalf of all the staff, thank you for the kind wishes, cards and gifts we received.
Due to the increased flu activity over the winter break, the UK Health Security Agency is reminding parents through their link here of the simple steps that can be taken to ensure children make a healthy start to the new school term, with measures like teaching good hygiene habits, keeping sick children off school, and getting vaccinated.
Together with the rest of the staff, I’ve been looking at the calendar for the term ahead and it’s a busy one, with lots of interesting and fun activities planned. Just this week Year 4 have had Scootability training and experienced the Science Dome; Year 3 started their drumming lessons and Year 6 enjoyed a STEM event. Every year group has a newsletter for the next half term on the website (under ‘The School Day’) where you can find out more details. Please also keep an eye out for emails from us too.
On Tuesday, Mrs Rix and I enjoyed a visit from Charlie in Pine Class to show us a very special badge he had just received. A few weeks ago, he and his Dad spent some time picking litter in the local park and streets. Charlie wrote to Blue Peter to tell them all about his efforts. They were clearly very impressed with what they read and sent him a Blue Peter badge!
As well as being a very cool item, Charlie told us that having a Blue Peter badge can get you free access to over 200 attractions across the country for free.
Well done, Charlie!
Some children’s uniform seems rather haphazard. We have worked hard to make our expectations affordable and comfortable so please try to follow the guidance.
- Shoes or trainers with uniform should be completely BLACK - boots are okay in exceptional snowy/icy weather but should not be worn otherwise
- PE joggers and hoodies or sweatshirts should be BLACK
- White shirts need ties / dark green polos don’t
- Every child needs a coat every day
- Please write their names in things.
- Earrings must be studs and removed for PE /swimming
Children should be in class and settled by 8.50am so please aim for 8.40am. They come out at 3.20pm so please pick up on time.
If your child rides a bicycle to school, please remind them that at the end of the day they should not start riding it until they are well away from the school gates. We have had a couple of near collisions this week.
Mrs Parker emailed several parents before the Christmas break with referral forms but has only heard back from a few. If you wish us to proceed with the referral, please send the forms back as quickly as possible. Waiting times for support are very long and every day delayed moves you further down the list. Equally, if you do not wish us to proceed, just let us know.
Finally, please find attached one of our occasional Robin Reports. This one is about Young Carers. If you feel your child might be a Young Carer, please get in touch with Mrs Parker so that we can give support if it’s needed.
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Acting Co-Head Teacher
12th December 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Yesterday, the school watched the dress rehearsal of the Y5 show which sounded wonderful, Mr Kench and I are looking forward to seeing it next week. On Monday, the Y3 children went to Robin Hood Infants to watch their Y2 show and they enjoyed seeing their old school and staff members. Yesterday, Mrs Pitman also took the Y4 choir to sing in the St Nicholas Centre. The children’s singing was amazing and the event was full of Christmas cheer!
We held a second-hand book and uniform sale after school on Wednesday which we hope was useful for families. The book sale raised £50.45 which is being used to buy non-fiction books for the Library, as chosen by staff on the Inset Day and the Second Hand Uniform raised £27 which we will use to fund spare uniform and kit for the children here at school. If you are having any trouble providing uniform for your child, please speak to the office.
I have received a large number of requests recently asking me to authorise leave in term time for family emergencies that need families to travel abroad, resulting in the children missing up to 3 weeks of school. Schools cannot authorise such large amounts of absence in term time due to the impact it has on their learning. Absence in school time should only be for circumstances that are rare, unavoidable and short. I will be writing to families next week to explain this in more detail.
It is lovely that so many children wish to give cards to each other at Christmas. I want to remind parents that there is no pressure for the children to send their class individual cards. If they would like to, they can write one to the class rather than one to every pupil. Mr Kench and I want to also want to reiterate that we know it is an expensive time of year for families so just a gentle reminder that gifts for staff are never expected. We are both very grateful for the kindness and support you have given all our staff this year and we appreciate your kind words.
I was sent some wonderful photos of Animitha in Oak and Ashmitha in Sycamore participating in their Diwali Celebrations at the Sangham Community Centre. I also received a photo of Aleeza in Redwood’s success in winning a 1st place medal in singing as well as speech in her local academic competition! It is great to hear about the children participating in events in our community.
A few reminders:
- All clubs have now finished for the term, except Street Dance on Thursday. There are still places for the Tae Kwon-Do, Football, Street Dance, Drama, Code and Multisports Clubs next term. Please follow the instructions on the individual flyers to book a place. Thes can be found on our website under ‘Letters Home’
- Term ends at 1.30pm on Friday 20th December for all children.
- Spring Term starts for everyone on Monday 6th January.
Yours sincerely
Emma Rix – Acting Co-Head Teacher
6th December 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Robin Hood Junior School is truly embracing the festive spirit this Christmas season! The Christmas tree is beautifully set up in the Hall and our corridors are adorned with amazing Christmas-themed displays created by the children. You can see photos of our wonderful displays on our website. We are also in awe of the snowy Library window display, designed by our talented staff Mrs Holdcroft and Mrs Benjamin and there will be lots more photos in the end of term newsletter.
On Monday, our children delivered gifts to the Salvation Army, an experience that left our parent helpers and accompanying staff feeling both humbled and reflective about the true meaning of Christmas. There were over 250 empty chairs waiting for gifts, and RHJ made a significant impact in filling them.
Our Christmas dinner was a joyous occasion filled with festive singing and happiness. It was amusing to discover that some children had forgotten how to properly pull a Christmas cracker, with many not realising they should only pull just one each! A special thank you goes to Rowan class for their understanding when we explained that we had run out of crackers. We did the maths with them and found out that 70 extra crackers had been opened before they sat down for their dinner! To make it up to them, Rowan class will have their own cracker-pulling day next week.
Mrs Douglas organised for some of our staff and families to join the Rotary Club Christmas Float last night. They used their festive cheer to keep going through the rain and wind! All money raised during the evening will be used by our school to purchase a range of equipment which will enable all children to develop their health and wellbeing. Last year we raised a staggering £900 for our school! Special thanks to Mr Guedalla for being the Santa for our float!
Our collaboration with Sutton High School has been particularly productive this week. Our Y6 children enjoyed a visit to meet an author; Y4 went there to watch a music concert and we had their Sixth Form students working with our Y5!
We would also like to welcome back Mrs Davenport to the Office team. She has just returned from maternity leave and will be working in the Office on Thursday and Friday and around the school on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Next week:
- Ash class have now finished their swimming lessons and it is the last week for all clubs next week.
- Y3 have their ‘Discover Christmas’ workshop in the hall on Friday.
- Please make sure you have returned the Y3 ‘Play in a Day’ slip – deadline is today.
- Second hand book sale in hall after school on Wednesday – most items 50p or £1 so please bring change. There will be a selection of second-hand uniform to buy too (NO polo/PE shirts and very few blazers).
Yours sincerely
Emma Rix – Acting Co-Head Teacher
29th November 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I can’t believe it’s December at the weekend! The weather certainly reflects the season and I can see that there are a lot of children unwell at the moment. If your child is really unwell, do of course keep them at home rather than spreading the germs but please keep in touch with the office and be mindful that sometimes being off gets to be a bit of a habit. When they are well enough – send them in! It’s really important that the children are here as we are aiming for an attendance of 92% from all the children in line with National Guidelines.
As I sit and write this, I can hear Y5 rehearsing the songs for their show. We will send a letter out next week giving parents the opportunity to request tickets. There will also be a letter sent to parents about Y3’s ‘Play in a Day’ to which parents are invited to watch after school on Monday 16th December.
Thank you to all the families and staff who generously contributed to our ‘Salvation Army Christmas Appeal’; the children were very sensible when choosing the presents for those children in Sutton who may not be as fortunate as them. Miss Brown and some selected children will be delivering the presents next week. Huge thanks to Miss Brown for organising this and to a Y6 parent for arranging for £897 worth of gifts to be delivered to the school!
Our amazing pupils
One of the highlights of working in our school is hearing about the success of our pupils so would like to share some of these with you all:
- Our Science Quiz Team – Cason and Arini in Rowan alongside Lucia and Ajay in Larch - came 3rd out of 15 schools and have secured themselves a place in the Semi-Finals.
- Isla in Redwood came to tell me that she had come first in her gymnastics competition at the weekend, in both vault and floor disciplines.
- Mahira in Beech participated in a Sutton academics competition at the weekend and got first position in both the recitation of the Holy Quran (in Arabic) as well as recitation of both English and Urdu speech!
- We have also had Sheldyn and Cason from Rowan class volunteer to play the piano for us while the children come in and out of assembly.
We are so proud of all our pupils and it’s lovely to hear their news. Thank you to all those children for their hard work and to Mrs Douglas for organising our Science Quiz Team.
Next week:
- Flu catch up for children who were absent or unable to have it – Tuesday 3rd December
- Christmas lunch Wednesday 4th December . A Y6 pupil very sensibly asked me today if the children can wear Christmas jumpers and hats for their lunch. The simple answer is, of course they can!
Yours sincerely
Emma Rix – Acting Co-Head Teacher
22nd November 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
The children have all been busy over the past two weeks. Rowan and Oak class have been out to visit the Mosque, Y3 came in last Thursday in their finest Egyptian outfits and Y4 also enjoyed their Roman show at the end of last week. The teachers work very hard to plan and carry out these enrichment experiences as we know the children always benefit when we make their learning fun!
On a more unfortunate note, I’m afraid a few parents are causing quite challenging relationships with our neighbours. Parking is a persistent problem and rudeness to staff and residents is appalling.
- I have had two complaints: one from a resident on West Street who has described to me several issues they have been experiencing as a result of illegal parking from some of our parents. And a further complaint has been received from the house on the corner of Clarance Rd/Thorncroft Rd.
- The house on the corner belongs to someone and you should not park on their drive!
- Not only are parents parking on double yellow lines as well as completely blocking driveways, it was also shared that a parent was verbally abusive to a resident after being asked to move their car that was preventing them for getting onto their own driveway. This is totally unacceptable and we have asked the residents to note down the numberplates, inform the local council and call the police if this continues to happen.
I can only apologise to residents and to the parents who do behave in a socially responsible way. Please park responsibly and use Sainsbury’s or Asda where you can.
Christmas is coming and the last date for booking a Christmas lunch is Monday so please follow the link for this otherwise a lunch will not be ordered for your child and they will need to bring a packed lunch. We are trying to avoid unnecessary food waste. Thank you too for taking in part in our Salvation Army Christmas present appeal today. The children have had an enjoyable time choosing their class gift to pass on to another child.
A few reminders:
- The weather is getting colder now so please make sure your children are dressed suitably for the weather and always have a coat in school.
- If your child is has been off school, unwell for more than 3 days – please speak to the office rather than just leaving phone messages or using the absence reporting form . There is a greater duty on schools to monitor absence now so we may need to chat to you.
Yours sincerely
Emma Rix – Acting Co-Head Teacher
15th November 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
We are writing to you with a heavy heart to share some deeply sad news. Our beloved Head Teacher, Mrs Broers, has died. This is a huge loss for our school community, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to her family at this difficult time.
As you know, Mrs Broers was the heart of Robin Hood Juniors for the past ten years, dedicating her life to the education and well-being of our children. She will be fondly remembered by all of us who were lucky enough to work with her.
We understand that this will be difficult for the children to process. Rather than tell them during the school day, we feel that this news would be best delivered by you, in the way that you feel is the most appropriate. We kindly ask that you take some time over the weekend to discuss this loss with your children. Encourage them to express their feelings and reassure them that it is normal to experience a wide range of emotions during such times.
To support our pupils during this period, our usual range of support services will be available at school. If you feel your child is struggling or needs someone to talk to, our trained staff will be on hand to provide assistance. Please feel free to reach out to us if you believe your child needs additional support.
Mrs Broers had already shared how she wanted the school to deal with her death and we will make sure that her wishes are carried out to the letter. One of her wishes was to share with you the poem ‘Because I have Loved Life’ by Amelia Josephine Burr. You’ll find it at the bottom of this letter.
We are committed to supporting our school community through this challenging time and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Kench & Mrs Rix
Acting Co-Head Teachers
8th November 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Another busy week in school where some of Y6 have visited the Mosque and Ash class continue to develop their swimming skills through their weekly lessons at Sutton High. We also welcomed prospective Y2 parents to our school this week. Our Y6 pupils show parents round as they are the best ambassadors for our school. As always, the pupils who volunteered did a wonderful job and happily showed the parents how proud they are to be part of our school.
Y5 have had a Mount Everest workshop today to ignite their learning linked to the ‘Mountains’ topic they are looking at this half term. They have also been busy getting organised for their Christmas Show and I could hear them rehearsing their songs earlier – it’s already sounding great!
The half term is always a busy one so I thought it might be helpful to remind you of things coming up. There is separate information about all of these via our ParentPay emails home and on the school website but I know your inboxes get busy!
- Clubs start back on Monday 11th and finish w/c 9th December. There are no clubs w/c 16th December.
- Rowan class will be visiting the Mosque on Monday 11th & Oak class will visit on Thursday 14th
- On Wednesday 13th the nursing team will be in school for the annual flu vaccines. Online parental consent for this has now closed. However, you can still give consent by calling the nursing team on 0203 903 3371.
- Wednesday 4th – Children’s Christmas lunch – (order by 25th November please or they won’t get any lunch!)
- Friday 13th – Y3 Discover Christmas workshop
- Monday 16th – Y3 ‘Play in a Day’ - more details to follow
- Tuesday 17th – Y5 Christmas evening performance to parents – 7pm
- Thursday 19th - Y5 Christmas afternoon performance to parents – 2pm
- Friday 20th – term ends at 1.30pm
Lots of parents have asked for advice about supporting their child emotionally. Next week the NHS Education Wellbeing Service is running two webinars for local primary school parents.
The first session looks at the zones of regulation and supporting big emotions during the primary years. The second is on building resilience in primary school children. Please see attached flyers.
For further information and to sign up, use this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/primary-parents-nhs-wellbeing-workshops-682309?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=creatorshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=odclsxcollection&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
Finally, there is a national Curriculum and Assessment Review call for evidence happening until November 22nd 2024. From Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 5, the Curriculum and Assessment Review will look closely at the key challenges to attainment for young people, and the barriers which hold children back from the opportunities and life chances they deserve. This includes those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, or with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
If you would like to take part, please follow the link: https://consult.education.gov.uk/curriculum-and-assessment-team/curriculum-and-assessment-review-call-for-evidence/?utm_campaign=___&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Yours sincerely
Emma Rix – Acting Co-Head Teacher
25th October 2024
Dear families of RHJ
As you know I am retiring next week after a very happy (almost ten years) at Robin Hood Junior School. I was offered the job in October 2014 and it was one of the best decisions I ever made!
I have recorded a message for the children today and teachers will share it with them. I touch briefly on my diagnosis and the fact that I will not ‘get better’ despite the NHS’ best efforts and the outstanding care I have received. The children may ask their teachers or you questions and I am confident you and staff will answer honestly and in an age appropriate way.
They and the pupils who have come before them have been a joy to work with, as have you and the staff.
Some parents have sent personal messages, cards and emails via the office and these have been much appreciated.
Thank you once again for all your love, kindness and support over the last 10 years. I know the Leadership Team will continue to move the school forward brilliantly, as they have done for this half term.
Yours sincerely,
Elisabeth Broers – Head Teacher
25th October 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
After 10 years of dedicated service, our esteemed Headteacher, Mrs Broers, retires next week. Mrs Broers has been an inspirational person to work with and her leadership has made a significant impact on our school and all the children and staff who have been part of Robin Hood Juniors during her time here.
Over the past 10 years, she has overseen countless improvements to the school from the fabulous library to the brand-new climbing wall; from the multi-sensory area to the pop-up swimming pool. She led the school through the Covid pandemic, putting the children and staff’s health and wellbeing ahead of her own. The decisions she made ensured that the children at our school during that time never experienced the fall in standards that was so widely the case across the country. Mrs Broers has always encouraged every member of staff to come forward with ideas, however crazy they might appear to be. If a staff member could show how an idea would make school better for the children and/or the staff, the answer would always be ‘Go for it’.
Two memories I have from early in Mrs Broer’s headship sum up the very best of her many qualities. Not long after starting, all of the class teachers were completing our termly data analysis, a process that had become increasingly unwieldy, took hours and hours and sometimes even led to tears of frustration. Mrs Broers took one look at what we were being asked to produce and asked us if we found it useful. We said ‘No’ and so she simply said, ‘Well, let’s not do that anymore. Find another, better way.’ Which we did! In her time at RHJ, Mrs Broers has always had the wellbeing of the entire staff team at the heart of every decision she has made.
My second memory involves a child in my class, who had a tough homelife. He was really looking forward to going on the Year 6 residential trip when something happened in his life to put that in jeopardy. All of the advisors we spoke to said that it would not be possible for him to go and that the only sensible option was for him to stay at home. Many people would have accepted that decision…but not Mrs Broers. She knew what an opportunity the residential trip could be for that child – a real bright spot in a difficult life – and she was relentless in refusing to take no for an answer. She was determined that he would go. In the weeks before the trip, Mrs Broers made countless phone calls, completed risk assessments, re-organised staffing and accommodation, all so that this one child’s trip could go ahead. He went and had a fabulous week but was never aware of the hours and hours of work that made it happen. Mrs Broers has always been relentless in fighting the corner of every single child in the school.
Mrs Broers is a truly special person and her strength, vision, compassion and inexhaustible good humour will be greatly missed.
This week we have also said goodbye to another highly-valued member of staff. Mrs Khan has been with us for 5 years and has taught across all year groups in that time. Her calm, unflappable nature has been a real asset to the school and we will miss her. She is stepping away from teaching for now to spend more time with her family but we hope that one day she may return.
Finally, I’d like to thank you for all your support this half term. By now, you will have received a letter from the governing body setting out how the school will be led for the rest of this academic year before the appointment of a permanent Headteacher ready for September 2025.
Mrs Rix and I will be Co-Headteachers and Mrs Parker will be the Assistant Headteacher. Together with our fantastic staff and amazing children, we are keen to carry on the work that Mrs Broers has started and look forward to working with you over the next few months.
Have a great half term. Please remember that the children start back on Tuesday 5th November.
Yours sincerely
Deputy Headteacher
18th October 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
National Read-Aloud Challenge
Over the summer holidays, we challenged the children to take part in the National Read-Aloud Challenge. We have just heard the great news that we have been awarded the Highly Commended Badge. With over 550 schools and 10,000 children taking part, that’s an achievement we are incredibly proud of.
The organisers told us that they were particularly impressed with the level of independent reading and how engaged the children were. They stated that ‘in a time when at-home reading engagement is considered to be at an all-time low, it’s wonderful to see your students embracing the joy of reading so wholeheartedly’.
So, it’s a big ‘well done’ from all of us: well done to the children for taking part; well done to Mrs Bond for organising the event and well done to all of you for supporting the children with reading.
Year 4 Parent Workshop
On Wednesday, the Year 4 teachers ran a parent workshop to share some of the mathematical methods we teach at RHJ. The event was extremely well-attended. The highlight of the session was when parents had the opportunity to work with their child. The methods we teach are quite often different to the ones that we learned back in our own school days so, if you are able to come to a future workshop, it’s always a worthwhile experience.
Half term: We finish for half term next Friday 25th October at the usual time of 3.20pm. Children are back at 8.40am on Tuesday 5th November.
Next week there are Meet the Teacher appointments so please check your emails and sign up if you haven’t yet. The purpose of this meeting is to hear how well your child has settled into their new class as well as being given some targets to work on at home to help their learning.
Long hair – We suggest that all long hair is completely tied up in a ponytail, braids or plaits as this greatly reduces the chance of catching head lice, which are at their peak in October and November every year! Getting rid of them is time consuming and often expensive so this is an easy way to try and avoid the problem completely.
Have a great weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Deputy Headteacher
11th October 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
This week, the second half of Year 6 went to the Bluebell Railway. As always, our children behaved impeccably. On both days, members of the public stopped our staff to tell them how impressed they were with our pupils. Walking around the school I see those same high standards of behaviour, great attitudes to learning, good humour and acts of kindness in every class. However, this is a long half term and we can see that some of the children are getting tired, particularly the younger ones. Please try to stick to regular bedtimes and aim to avoid screen time an hour before bedtime as this makes a big difference – as does having a good breakfast!
Lost Property
You might have seen in the news this week that Mount Everest is getting taller every year by about 2 millimetres. At RHJ we also have a mountain but ours is growing at a much faster rate: it’s our lost property mountain!
If your child has misplaced any items of clothing, please encourage them to come and check lost property which is in Reception. It sometimes takes a couple of days for things to find their way to our pile but they almost always get there eventually!
Meet the Teacher
This week the email about booking slots for our Meet the Teacher evenings was sent out. Remember, if the dates don’t work for you, please do not book an appointment online. We will contact you to arrange a telephone appointment after half term.
London TKD Martial Arts Assembly
Today the children were treated to a tremendous demonstration from our London TKD club leader.
This club has been running here at RHJ for many years and is a fantastic way to gain confidence, develop discipline and kick start the day on a Friday morning! If your child enjoyed the assembly and you would like further information, please see the attached flyer.
Important Notice
You might have noticed some advertising stands placed outside the school recently for First Class Learning tuition. We have asked the centre manager not to leave them there but sadly they have continued to do so. Please note that our school does not endorse or recommend this firm and that, if you feel your child would benefit from tuition, a range of other providers are also available in the local area.
Sutton Literary Festival
The Sutton Literary Festival is taking place across Wallington Library, Sutton Ecology Centre and Honeywood Museum this weekend!
There are a wide range of events for adults happening across the weekend. Details can be found here: https://sutton.events.mylibrary.digital/series?sn=Sutton+Literary+Festival
There are also some children's events taking place on Saturday:
Terrible Horses: An Interactive Adventure with Raymond Antrobus (ages 3-7)
The Tree of Hope: A Journey of Resilience with Anna Orenstein-Cardona (ages 4-8)
These events are free but you do need to book them in advance as places are limited.
Navigating your way around the Special Education Needs system can be intimidating and confusing. There are quite a few misconceptions about levels of support and what these mean in terms of children’s day-to-day experience at school. Mrs Parker and Mrs Broers have prepared a guide to help give some explanations – it’s attached to this letter.
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Deputy Head Teacher
4th October 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
It’s been another busy week. On Wednesday, half of Y6 went on a fantastic trip to the Bluebell Railway where they had the chance to experience what being evacuated on a real steam train might have felt like. They had a great day and came back with a deeper understanding of evacuation as well as the sights, sounds and smells of Britain in World War 2. Visits like this really add to the children’s experience but are expensive to provide so your support is appreciated. The rest of Y6 go next Thursday.
Today has been ‘Express Yourself Day’ and all of the children were encouraged to come in wearing clothes that represents an aspect of their life. Every class has also enjoyed a Salsa and Flamenco workshop! Photos will follow on the next newsletter.
Today has also been the last day for four trainee teachers from a Swiss University who have been working with us for the last three weeks. As well as helping them in their training, we hope that having them at school has taught our children about the opportunities that being multi-lingual can open up in their futures.
Next week please look out for the email about booking slots for our Meet the Teacher evenings. They are going to be held on 23rd and 24th October. It is lovely to see you face to face but if that really doesn’t work for you, please do not book an appointment online; we will contact you to arrange a telephone appointment after half term.
Flu Vaccination Reminder
The school immunisation team will be in school on Wednesday 13th November. We sent out the information related to this last week. Please make sure that you complete and submit the e-consent form by Thursday 7th November. Consent forms need to be completed and submitted even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination.
Together for Sutton
Together For Sutton is an independent, impartial, free and confidential information and advice service for anyone who lives, works, studies or cares for someone in the London Borough of Sutton. If you feel that you need help or support in an aspect of your life, and are not sure where to turn to, they are a good starting point.
You can phone them on 020 8254 2616 or visit their website at How We Can Help - Together for Sutton
Online Parenting Support
All Sutton residents also have access to a wide range of online parenting resources through ‘In Our Place’: https://inourplace.heiapply.com/online-learning/courses
The Access code is ‘Tree’.
Sutton Family Hubs
Family Hubs bring together the support a family may need, from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they have an additional need). Family Hubs offer a wide range of services including drop-in coffee mornings; practical support with form-filling, debt advice, accessing services; parenting support programmes.
Our closest Family Hub is located at Sutton Library.
Please call one of the Family Hub Connectors on 020 8770 6000 to find out more or email them on familyinfo@sutton.gov.uk
Have a good weekend.
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Deputy Head Teacher
27th September 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
It seems amazing that September is almost over – the children are fully settled into their new classes and, throughout the school, every class has the busy buzz of learning. Sadly, though, it’s the last week for our pop-up swimming pool. Feedback from the children and staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Comments from children include ‘The water’s really warm’; ‘Having a lesson every day has really improved my swimming’; ‘My skills have improved’ and ‘The instructors are really nice. They let us play at the end of a session if we have time’.
After-school clubs began this week. We are currently offering a wide range of activities: chess, football, science, athletics, cookery, gardening, coding, drama, sewing, street dance and choir. As always, there was a huge demand and sadly we were unable to give everyone a place. There will be further opportunities for your child to join a club throughout the year.
As a school, we are always keen to participate in education research. Recently, Mrs Douglas, who is the school’s science co-ordinator, enrolled us in a trial of the Primary Science Quality Mark, which aims to make the teaching of science even more effective, particularly with children who traditionally do not excel in the subject. It was great to receive this certificate of appreciation from the Education Endowment Foundation this week, thanking us for our contribution to the project.
Just a reminder that, if you shop in Asda and use their App, please sign in and set the ‘Cashpot for Schools’ to our school. We then receive £1 instantly together with 0.5% of your total spend. We also get £50 when the first customer to select our school spends in-store or online. To quote one of their rivals, ‘Every little helps!’
Next Friday, 4th October, is ‘Express Yourself Day’. This year the focus is going to be on the different ways that we can express ourselves – singing, dancing, painting, speaking different languages and writing. We would also like the children to express themselves through the clothes they wear. On this day only, temporary hair colour, face paints, henna are all allowed although we ask that these are all prepared at home. Football kits and other sports kits are also fine if the children feel that this is part of who they are. If your child wants to express themselves by wearing a comfy jumper and a pair of jeans, that’s fine too! As all the children are taking part in a workshop during the day, it would be great if they could bring a donation of up to £2 if they are able to. Last year’s event was a great success and I’m looking forward to seeing how the children express themselves this time round.
And finally, as you are aware, after 10 years of hard work and dedication, Mrs Broers is retiring at half term. She has had a positive impact on every child who has passed through our doors and I know that some families will wish to acknowledge this by contributing to a leaving present. If you would like to do so, you can make a gift, via ParentPay.
Have a good weekend!
Yours sincerely
Gary Kench
Deputy Head Teacher
Dear families of RHJ,
The children have been enjoying the better weather this week and making the most of the playground and of course the amazing climbing wall. Please don’t let little children use it when you are picking up – it’s not supervised and we wouldn’t want an accident ☹.
As always – time outside leads to an explosion of LOST PROPERTY so please do pop in and check the mountain. It always makes me laugh watching the children search – a huge number of them sniff the items to identify them! However, it makes it much easier for us if you write their name on the label😊
Year 4 visited the Synagogue this week and as expected, behaved beautifully and asked great questions. These off-site outings really enhance the learning and we are always proud of our children. In fact, Y4 have had a very busy week as the Whole Class recorder tuition began again; to consolidate their achievements from last year. Finally Ash Class began swimming lessons at Sutton High School, so quite a week.
Trips and visits are being planned for every year group of course so watch out for emails.
SWIMMING - Y5 have continued to enjoy the lessons in the pool and have been so sensible about changing and listening. We are proud of them for making the most of this opportunity. I was reading a report about how the number of young people accidentally drowned has increased in the last few years; with the highest number coming from ethnic minority groups. This is such a tragedy and shows us what a life skill swimming is.
I’m aware of a few grumbles about lunches and children not always getting what they have asked for. The catering team are doing a fabulous job, cooking double the number of meals they did before they were free so there are bound to be hiccups. We are trying to limit wastage and serve what the children like so please bear with us.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
School Fundraising Opportunity:
ASDA cashpot for schools:
Do you shop at Asda?
Parentkind – the charity that supports schools - have teamed up
with Asda through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative.
All you have to do is:
- opt in through the Asda Rewards app
- choose our school
- shop and scan your app in-store
or shop online at Asda.com
Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our school
between 2nd September and 30th November 2024.
Every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot.
Please sign our school up for the Cashpot via the Asda Rewards app!
13th September 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I hope you, like us are settling into some term time routines as we end our second week back. Mrs Steers, one of our Governors popped in today and sent me this lovely email which sums up our school:
I popped into RHJ earlier to see the swimming pool, amazing. The coaches were very complimentary of our children, saying that they listened intently, not like a lot of other schools. Well done to them all.
Love the climbing wall, it looks amazing and I’m told very well used. A great addition to the playground.
Had a lovely chat with some of the Year 3s, they love being at RHJ and I don’t blame them!
The major success of the week has been the on-site swimming! The Y5 children have been thoroughly enjoying the daily lessons and have been really sensible about changing. It has been busy with staff supervising and adapting timetables but definitely worth it. The benefits of daily lessons AND time saved by not having to add coach travel into the mix (plus the costs) were the main drivers of this new venture and so far, it looks to be a great idea. Thank you if you have made a contribution to costs via ParentPay.
Next week various trips and visits begin and after school clubs will restart the following week. Please keep an eye on your email for club updates as all school letters come via ParentPay. All internally run clubs were oversubscribed, if you applied for a school run club and you have not received an email, I’m afraid your child has not got a place this time. However, there are still some spaces available on clubs run by external providers. You can find more information about these on the Letters Home page on our website.
The children are working hard already and are keen to show their new teachers all they know. Without doubt the single most useful thing you can do to support your child is to read with them, to them or hear them read every single day. If you are lucky enough to speak more than one language – read in all of them! Next week we will host four teaching students from a Swiss university and they are a great example to our children as often they are fluent in several languages.
We really appreciate your support with every aspect of your children’s education – whether that is supporting swimming with kit and helping your child be organised or applying for clubs in good time and being friendly and positive with the Office Team who do an amazing job.
As always – have a wonderful weekend in the September sunshine that is promised and if you have a query – just ask.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
6th September 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I hope you have all enjoyed the summer break; I know many children were travelling overseas to see extended family and I am sure this has been a very happy time. If you stayed more locally, I remember from when my own children were small, just not clock watching all the time and forgetting the relentless routines of term time was a joy!
The start of term has been both exciting and settled in equal measure. We have welcomed Mrs Downes and Ms Westbrook to Y4 and Y3 respectively and congratulate Mrs Holdcroft (formerly Ms Venn) on her summer wedding.
The new climbing wall is a great addition to our school and the pictures below shows staff having a go on Monday. They learned some games and learning activities to trial with the children as we incorporate this feature into our PE curriculum. You will have seen the POP UP Pool too – this will be in operation targeting Y5 pupils, very soon.
Around school there is the usual calm and purposeful atmosphere and the Y3 children have made a great start. One of the things I love about RHJ is its capacity to absorb and adapt to changes of children, families and staff and still be the welcoming family it has always been.
On that note I must share some personal news with you. It is with great sadness that I have given our Governors my resignation, which will take effect at half term in October. For some years now I have been receiving treatment from the Royal Marsden Hospital and they have now advised that I stop working and focus on my family. This is very hard as I consider RHJ to be part of my family – the last 10 years have been a privilege and a pleasure and I have loved every single moment. Many of you will have heard me say Head Teacher is the best job in the world and being Robin Hood Junior School’s Head Teacher is absolutely the best! However, it seems on this occasion I will have to (for once) do as I am told ☹.
In due course I will write to the children who have been a constant source of inspiration, challenge and fun but in the meantime, I would like to thank you for your support, commitment and kindness – and most of all for having such fantastic children. Our Governing Body have also written to you and their letter is attached.
Although there will be a recruitment process in place in the future, for the moment SLT will lead the school and I know will do a fabulous job. Although I am not currently in school, I am working from home and in daily contact with Mr Kench, Mrs Cookson, Mrs Rix and Mrs Parker. Between them they have almost 80 years of school experience so the school is in very safe hands. If you do have any questions, worries or queries – please contact the school office who will direct them to the best person to answer them.
It wouldn’t be a HT letter without some reminders!
- Can all Y3 parents and carers activate their ParentPay account this weekend. You will not receive any school letters or club letters via email until you do so – thank you. The Office staff can help if you are stuck😊
- There seems to be an outbreak of jewellery, hoop earrings, large hair bands/ribbons and particularly string bracelets. Please don’t wear these to school - children may be asked to take them off or will not be able to use the climbing wall with their class or at lunchtimes. This is a uniform and a safety issue!
- Only stud earrings and simple watches are allowed – fitness trackers and other internet connected devices shouldn’t be worn and pupil mobile phones are not allowed in school.
- School shoes should be plain black.
- If your child does not yet have their own earbuds for use with the school chromebooks, these are available from the Office for 50p.
- Please park considerately and do not use; block or obstruct our neighbours’ drives! It doesn’t matter that ‘it isn’t for long’ – it is still very rude!
- If you would like your child to leave school on their own or with friends /older siblings we must have this in writing via email to office@robinhood-junior.org.uk. You need to make sure they know what to do if the unexpected happens or they are worried by something.
We are looking forward to a happy and productive term and as always, you are a big part of that. Please talk to someone if anything is worrying you – we will always listen and do our best to help.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Circus tickets 🤡
Great News! The Sutton Education Trust has arranged for Happy's Circus to visit in
The circus will take place at Foresters Primary School in Wallington on Wednesday 25th,
Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September. Tickets are on sale now – m ake sure you get in quick to secure your seats.
Happy’s Circus provides a professional all human (no animals) 2.5 hour experience presented by a 15-strong touring team in a colourful Big Top seating 600.
The experience starts with a 15/20 minute pre-show warm-up, followed by a
45 minute performance then a 30-minute interval, and a second 45 minutes of entertainment.
At the end of the show, there is the opportunity for free of charge photos with the performers.
The show features different acts and is hosted by the Ring Mistress and Clown introducing Acrobats, Aerialists, Speciality Acts, Magic and Audience Participation with loads of fun and much, much more!
You can order your tickets by visiting the Sutton Education Trust Eventbrite Page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/sutton-education-trust-84881740893
These are evening performances and children will need to come with families.
We look forward to seeing you there!
6th September 2024
Dear families,
It is with great sadness that we have accepted Mrs Broers resignation as Head Teacher of Robin Hood Junior School. Mrs Broers has been an inspirational leader who has guided our school community with great skill through extremely difficult times, particularly in recent years. She has been a compassionate and caring head teacher throughout, always championing Robin Hood Juniors and always guided by the needs of the children. She leaves our school in a strong position, with a dedicated and committed staff team who have the necessary skill and ambition to continue her good work. We are enormously grateful to Mrs Broers for her dedicated service to Robin Hood Juniors and wish both her and her family well over the coming months.
Mrs Broers will remain as Head Teacher until the end of October and will continue to carry out her role during this time with support as always from the Senior Leadership Team. We will update you with arrangements for November onwards as soon as possible. As the governing board we have complete confidence that our extremely competent, experienced and dedicated Senior Leadership Team have the skills to support the school through this period of transition. In preparation, Mrs Rix will be taking on the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead from now onwards. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact Mrs Rix through the school office or via email.
We will keep you informed of any further updates for future arrangements and for how we will be saying thank you to Mrs Broers as soon as they become available. In the meantime, please speak to either Mr Kench or Mrs Rix if you have any questions or concerns. You can also contact us via the school office, should you need to.
Best wishes,
Donna Foster
Chair of Governors
Sarah Donald
Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of Pay and Personnel Committee
24th July 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Today we said an emotional farewell to our amazing Y6 pupils who have had such a successful year. Guided by the outstanding staff in Y6 they have grown and thrived. Looking at the photos of their year they have loved every moment of it and have all the skills and knowledge they need to make a success of their next stage.
We have also said Goodbye and Happy Retirement to Mrs Clarkson who is leaving after 25 years here to travel and garden and breathe! She would like to thank the families who contributed so generously to her leaving gift.
As always at this time of year it is a time for THANKS:
Thanks to every member of our fantastic staff team. Absolutely every member of the team is hardworking and committed to doing their very best for the children. The Site team keep us safe and well, with a great working environment; the Catering and Midday Team keep us well fed and safe at lunchtimes; the Office staff answer a million queries a day from families, children and staff with patience and good humour and the Finance Team make it possible for us to spend money on what really matters – the children.
The teaching staff – full time, part time and support staff make a huge difference to our pupils every single day. They are patient and kind; ambitious and rigorous and they absolutely believe that every child can achieve – and the children know this.
You will have heard me say on many occasions that mine is the best job in the world. I am hugely proud of all we achieve here, of the ethos of kindness, compassion, ambition and inclusion. Every single child and adult is valued for what they bring to the school and that makes it a very special place to belong. A Y6 pupil wrote recently: ‘It’s very welcoming here. It’s like a family of 360 children and loads of teachers.’
Finally thank you – for having fabulous children; for your support with their education and with what we are trying to offer and for valuing RHJ like we do. On behalf of all the staff, thank you for the kind words, gifts, sweet treats and flowers we have received. These are never expected but are very much appreciated.
Have a safe and happy summer break.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Support for Families over the Summer
2023-2024 Measuring What We Value - % of RHJ children who have…….. | |||||
acted or sung in a play or performance | belonged to a club (before or after school or in school time) | played an instrument | taken a responsibility: been a class monitor, School Council; librarian etc
| seen a live show, concert or a play | learned on a visit to a gallery, museum, garden / outside or other trip |
96% | 77% | 77% | 95% | 94% | 99% |
represented the school at something - team / quiz or event | raised money for charity - non uniform day; fun afternoon; non-uniform; Salvation Army gifts | can swim at least 10m | believe they have made progress this year - (in anything) | become more independent in their learning | grown in confidence |
36% | 97% | 72% | 98% | 93% | 90% |
12th July 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been an interesting week! On Tuesday we celebrated RHJ’s 55th birthday with ice creams – in the most torrential rain! It was really rather fun to stand under the pergola with the children licking their ice cream or lolly and watching the rain pour down in sheets😊 Certainly memorable. There were some great photos which will be in the newsletter next week.
Also on Tuesday the SATS results came out and were very pleasing – reflecting all the hard work every pupil put in and also the efforts of every teacher and teaching assistant who has worked with them in KS2. More detail will be in the Newsletter next week.
Harry in Maple Class was picked for the Borough Football Team which is amazing! He tells me he plays centre midfield in a defence position. I am sure he is a star and an excellent sportsman. Speaking of football, we know many children will be keen to watch the Euros final on Sunday and we hope they are delighted by the outcome but school will be ‘normal hours’ on Monday. Learning to cope with normal life when you are tired after a big event is a valuable life lesson!
A couple of things I would like your help with please: A PLAYGROUND PROJECT
A few parents have said to me in the past that they belong to local community groups, networks or businesses and would be interested in supporting the school with a project! We would like to install a History Time Line in the playground and although we held a History Day earlier in the term, this only raised a small amount of the money we need.
If you might be able to help us with this – we would love to hear from you! You can make an individual donation via Parent Pay but if you are a local group or network that would like to support this – please get in touch with me or Mrs Cookson (SBM) via the School Office.
A number of children are wasting lots of food at lunchtime or being rather dismissive of the great work our catering team put in.
The team do an amazing job and in many other schools the meals are much poorer quality; portion size is smaller and the variety is limited.
I know children can be fussy but do encourage them to try new things and even more important, to acknowledge that the meals are free, good quality and the product of someone’s hard work!
Thank you if you have given this – if it is still on the ‘to do’ pile we would really appreciate it either on the feedback sheet or via the link: https://forms.gle/i8FunikkZF2M1FmUA
Have a lovely weekend ahead of the last full week of the term! A reminder that we finish on Wednesday 24th July at 1.30pm. Y6 will be dismissed after the Leavers’ Assembly that morning.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers
Head Teacher
5th July 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
This part of the term is such a roller coaster!
One day everyone, children and adults are tired and it seems the end of term can’t come quickly enough and then there is a sudden feeling that we have so much to do! The pupils are excited about their new classes but a little apprehensive about the change. All of this is of course completely normal and part of the rhythm of school life!
It was a shame we had to cancel Sports Day and this decision was not taken lightly. We were looking forward to the family picnic and activities but when the forecast was so awful, we decided parents and children needed certainty. It’s not quite the same but we have managed to book some exciting Olympic Workshops for every class in the last full week, to inspire us all to sporting greatness.
Next week is RHJ’s birthday – the school will be 55 on Tuesday. In the same month:
- Apollo 11 made the first moon landing
- King Charles (then Prince Charles) was made Prince of Wales at Carnarvon Castle in Wales
- Ann Jones & Billie Jean King played at Wimbledon & Tony Jacklin won the British Golf Open
- The Rolling Stones released Honky Tonk Woman and David Bowie released Space Oddity!
I was at primary school and I remember marking the first two events in school which shows us how important it is that, as a community we mark major national and international events as your children will remember them for many years!
I hope you enjoyed reading your child’s report; please do complete the feedback form online or on the back of the letter. Thank you too if you were ‘surveyed’ by School Council this week. They have done such a good job this year working on various projects and making a difference to our school. Huge thanks to all School Councillors and Miss Hanoman Singh who guides them.
Have a good weekend, despite the rain.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Request for Volunteers!
The Diamond Centre are a registered local charity who provide over 350 riding and experience sessions, for children and adults with disabilities, each week. Most of the school groups who ride, and some of individual riders, are from neighbouring schools within the Sutton, Croydon and Banstead areas.
They are in desperate need of some new volunteers, and were hoping our parents/contacts may be able to help.
They are trying to get the message out in as many ways as possible, as they don't want to cancel any riding lessons.
To find out more about the work they do you can check out their website at:
28th June 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
There has been lots of Aiming High this week at RHJ.
We were really proud of our Y3 children who gave a wonderful performance of their recorder playing to their parents on Tuesday afternoon. Their class teachers and music teachers were very proud of them all.
On another musical note, during the half-term break Cason and Elson in Y5, took their Grade 5 piano exams and both achieved distinction levels. We are very proud of their hard work and dedication.
I am also very proud of our Science Team. Along with their supporters and Mrs Douglas and Mrs Clarkson, the children have travelled to Oxford University today to take part in the National Finals. They came a fabulous 11th out of 23 teams from across the country including several independent schools! They thoroughly enjoyed the experience and Mrs Douglas was bursting with pride! We would like to pass on our thanks to the Sutton and Cheam Rotary Club who funded the minibus.
I have been busy reading every single child’s report and what a wonderful job that is. Every year I am staggered by the depth with which teachers describe your children, their achievements and the things they can work on. A vast amount of effort goes into them so please take time to read them carefully and complete the feedback form. I still have my school reports (from a very long time ago) and although they don’t always make comfortable reading as I wasn’t quite as diligent as I like to remember, 😊 I am very pleased my parents kept them.
- Reports will be with you early next week
- 3rd July – children will ‘shuffle up’ to their new classes for a short while.
- 3rd July Open Evening 5-6pm – do pop in if you can
- 5th July Sports Day 12.15-2.30 ish! See the separate letter about PE kit; water bottles; packed lunches and collection arrangements
We know lots of Y6 are out at their High Schools on Wednesday. If you can let the office know by email if they are only out for part of the day and what they would like for lunch, that would be helpful. I am sure they will all make a great first impression!
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Sutton High School for Girls 4th July 4-5:30pm - Year 5 Discovery Afternoon
Girls currently in Year 5 can choose to take part in one of our exciting workshops from CSI (Science), Music, Sport or Creative Writing (Drama and Art are now full), and experience learning at Sutton High Senior School firsthand.
Book your place here (places are limited, with some sessions already fully booked, book now to avoid disappointment)
A reminder, the deadline to apply for an 11+ place at Sutton High School GDST (for September 2025) is 1st October 2024.
21st June 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Safety around school:
If your child rides their bike to school please make sure they wear a helmet. Wearing a correctly fitting helmet every time your child rides on their bike or scooter helps to protect their face, head, and brain if they fall. Please talk to your child about the importance of wearing a helmet every time they ride even if they’re going on a short journey and to follow the following guidance:
- Make sure the helmet fits well and always fasten the straps
- Always wear a helmet correctly so it protects as it should: make sure it covers the forehead and doesn’t tip back
- Take care of the helmet and don’t throw it around. If it’s damaged, it won’t protect the rider as well as it should when they need it
- Get a new helmet if the rider has been involved in a fall whilst on their bike and has hit their head
Last week I asked you to be respectful of other people’s property and parking considerately and I would ask that you keep reinforcing this message. If your child cycles or scooters, ask them to go slowly along the alleyway where there are often lots of people.
I have also spoken to the children today in assembly about being mindful of the general public, particularly elderly people or adults with buggies. Large groups on the pavements can be intimidating or simply difficult to negotiate – even if they are just being ‘children’. I am sure you, like us want your children to show courtesy and kindness to people in the community.
Looking ahead:
- Next week are the SEND parent meetings – you will have received an invitation if you need one!
- Y3 recorder performances are on Tuesday 25th
- The Science Team and supporters are off to Oxford University on Friday 28th – you will be fantastic!
- 3rd July Open Evening 5-6pm
- 5th July Sports Day
We are hurtling towards the end of term – lots of fun but also lots of hard work!
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Get yourselves down to Sutton High Street on Saturday 22nd June from 11am and get involved in all things Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Culture and Mathematics.
With loads of FREE activities, performances and experiences on offer, you can fully immerse yourself in everything great Sutton has to offer and experience some new things!
This year is part of the London Festival of Architecture and we are delighted to have our very own Northend Market be part of the day with an array of locally produced, hand made and home grown items for sale as well as some top class street food on offer.
14th June 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
This week the school has seemed quite quiet some days as on Monday Y6 enjoyed a lecture at the British Museum about the culture and artefacts of Benin. They behaved brilliantly of course, as we expect and listened intently to the speaker – what an experience.
On Tuesday Mr Amer took 30 Y3 & 4 pupils to take part in Sutton Sings and again had a great day. A parent said the concert was so lovely she almost cried – well done on an excellent job Junior Choir.
On Wednesday all of Y4 went on an adventure to Tilgate Nature Centre and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The weather was kind to them and they learned lots to support their Science Topic of animals and their habitats. Some Y3 pupils enjoyed a trip to Homefield too.
Thursday we were all in school as it was Class Photo day – the photographer said we are the best school with the nicest children, that he visits!
Today Y5 have set off with raincoats to Wisley RHS garden. Whatever the weather I am sure they will have a great day and enjoy learning in such a beautiful and diverse setting.
As you can see your children are making us proud every day however unfortunately a few parents are causing quite challenging relationships with our neighbours. It would really help us if other parents challenged dangerous or inconsiderate parking and behaviour directly.
- Parking is a persistent problem and rudeness to staff and residents is appalling.
- Today I have had complaints from a neighbour about parents chatting on the corner of Greenford Rd /Thorncroft Rd and allowing children onto his property.
- The house on the corner of Clarence Rd /Thorncroft Rd belongs to someone and you should not park on their drive!
- I am being sent photos of vehicles; registration plates and people behaving in a way that lets the school down practically every day at the moment and I can only apologise to residents and to the parents who do behave in a socially responsible way.
Please check the school website calendar for upcoming events as there are lots!
Wishing you a joyful Eid al-Adha if you are celebrating this.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
7th June 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
We mapped out this half term this week and wow, there is a lot going on! Please keep an eye on your email and the website for dates and updates.
This week has seen the high excitement around Fun Afternoon and History Day – both have been resounding successes and full details will be in the next newsletter.
Coming up next week – Y6, Y4 & Y5 are on trips; thank you if you have offered to help as this is much appreciated. We are lucky enough sometimes to have too many volunteers, so please don’t be offended if your offer is turned down!
Some of Y3 are out at Homefield too and the Lower school choir are off to Sutton Sings. Huge thanks to staff for organising these events and all the administration that goes with them.
Also next week are Class Photos – on Thursday 13th June, so please make sure your children are in correct uniform and looking super smart! My children are all grown up now but still enjoy looking back on their primary photos and recalling all the names.
This term in PSHE children will cover the Changing Me Topic. You can find out what is being taught and discussed on the website – School Day / Curriculum / PSHRSE link /Changing Me Topic and in School Day /Curriculum Newsletters.
There is sometimes some very negative and ill-informed press about what schools teach unfortunately! All our teachers are very experienced and skilled at teaching the statutory content in a sensitive and age-appropriate way; giving the children information in way they can understand in a safe and secure environment.
If you do have any questions please speak to the Class Teacher initially.
SEND Meetings - If your child has additional needs you should receive a letter today or early next week about meeting with Mrs Parker and the teacher so please watch out for this. It will come home with your child.
End of Year Events
Written reports will be with you at the end of June /beginning of July and there will be a feedback sheet in the envelope. If you wish to make an appointment to discuss the report then you can request this.
Shuffle -up
After discussion with teachers, we have decided not to mix any of the classes up as they go into their next year. The children will be told their next class on the morning of 3rd July and will spend some time with their ‘new’ teacher. For children who find transitions difficult, extra work will be done with them to prepare them for this change. Teachers will work together over this half term to make sure all the information is shared so they can make the best start in September.
Whole School - Open Evening Wednesday 3rd July 5.00pm - 6.00 pm
From 5pm Y3-6 parents & children are invited to come to school to look at their child’s current classroom and their ‘next’ classroom. The children will know who their new class teacher will be and I am sure will want to introduce you. The Leadership Team and Office Team will all be available for questions. The evening will end at 6pm although of course you are free to leave whenever you have seen what you need to!
All our Class Teachers will be in their current rooms – explaining things they have done this year and available for you to introduce yourself and look at the work the children have done. This isn’t really an opportunity for detailed discussions about your child, there are other opportunities for that.
This is a lovely opportunity to meet us and see the work the whole school is celebrating this year.
Sports Day will be on Friday 5th July at Homefield School. We will follow a similar format to last year and you are invited to join us for a picnic lunch. More details will follow soon.
Have a lovely weekend and thank you for all your support.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers
Head Teacher
The children and staff arrived safely at 3.20pm and are settling in!
I will update this blog when I hear from them but there is not much signal at Marchants' Hill and the whole team will be very busy with activities so may not have time for much news sharing!
17th May 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
A resounding WELL DONE needs to go to all Y6 pupils and staff this week. They have navigated SATS with hard work; good humour; outstanding organisation and great positivity. You could tell the children were proud to show off all they have learned and the whole staff team from Y3-6 supported them. We are very proud of every single one of them.
This weekend the majority of Y6 are off on their residential adventure to Marchants’ Hill - many of them with enough luggage to suggest they are leaving home forever rather than three nights😊 Once again this can only happen because our staff give up their free time to make it happen. Unlike other jobs, there is no paid overtime in education, so it couldn’t go ahead without their commitment. Children not going away will have a great time with local activities and adventures.
Trips and visits are often tricky to organise. Restrictions on free public transport use (including industrial action); the soaring cost of coach travel and finding a balance between travel time and activity time can be difficult. There is no dedicated ‘budget’ for trips and any money spent on them is not spent on another area, which is why we ask for contributions from parents.
We know things can be tight at home but if you are able to contribute, some, all or even more than the amount asked, it is greatly appreciated. We try and find a balance between ‘in school’ activities, workshops and events and the outside or offsite adventures and it will vary from year group to year group depending on the curriculum.
With half term coming up you may be buying uniform or shoes. Please don’t let the children tell you coloured trainers are ok with uniform or that PE kits can be multicoloured – both should be BLACK!
Dates for your diary:
- 24th May –Finish for half term at 3.20pm
- 3rd June – Inset day for children
- 7th June – History Day – children are invited to dress up as any (appropriate) historical character
- 13th June – Class Photos
Yours sincerely
Mrs Broers
10th May 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
At last summer seems to have arrived…and with it an overflowing lost property pile full of discarded coats and jumpers! Please name things, even just with biro, as this increases the chance of it making it back to your child. The forecast is rather more rainy next week, so they may need their coats.
Next week is SATS for Y6 pupils and there will be a few timetable changes to give children the best chance of showing off all they know! The pupils will enjoy breakfast together and there is always an air of calm determination amongst our oldest children. We know they will all do their best and we ask nothing more. If you are a Y6 parent or pupil – enjoy the weekend; get some sunshine and some sleep as well as some fun and some fruit – ready for a busy week. However – please don’t get stressed – we’re not!
There are lots of events and important dates coming up so please keep an eye on the website calendar so you know when things like the Y6 show; whole class photos and trips and visits are. The last sign up for Clubs for next half term has gone out today so make sure you fill in the form as these are always oversubscribed.
I have been very proud of lots of children this term already. The Y5 Bikeability students did really well; the Y3s behaved beautifully on their trip; Y4 have been working really hard every time I have popped in and two Y6 children have excelled; Dhruv gaining MENSA membership and a national news appearance and Aatika won three medals at her mosque – photos to follow in the main newsletter. What a fabulous range of talent we foster and celebrate here at RHJ.
Pick-up safety – please don’t let younger children play on the playground equipment; ride bikes and scooters in the playground or climb on the fences.
Usual reminders:
- Black shoes with uniform
- Summer dresses should be green and white
- Shorts for PE should ideally be mid-thigh length – please think about their walk to school
- No phones
- Park considerately and safely
- Keep to the paths
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
3rd May 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I can’t believe it is May already! Unfortunately the weather and the number of children (and staff) who have been unwell suggest we are not quite in ‘Summer’ yet. Thank you for working with us on absence – it is always a balance to decide if children are well enough for school and we know most people act sensibly and in everyone’s best interests.
If a child is off school, please try and keep some basic routines going – try to do some Mathletics and reading every day and keep set meal times and bed times as this makes the transition back to school easier. Please complete the absence form online or speak to the office and update the office by phone if the absence lasts more than a couple of days please.
Y3 had a super time at the Natural History Museum this week and last week learning about volcanoes and I am grateful to all the staff and parents who went with them. The children behaved very well and were a credit to you and us!
I am still rather worried by children’s awareness of road safety around school. Thorncroft Road residents and school staff are still allowed to drive up and down and children (and adults) should keep to the pavements please. I know parking is sometimes difficult but please park responsibly and use Sainsbury’s or Asda where you can.
Mobile Phones – a reminder that these are not allowed in school and should not be brought in by any pupils. We do have the right to search bags for phones if we suspect they are on site so please don’t ask or allow your child to bring their phone. Apart from the safeguarding aspect of devices with internet access and cameras, Sutton’s young people are most vulnerable to crimes related to phones and we don’t want to run this risk.
Finally, RHJ has always been a fabulously diverse and welcoming community. Families from a wide range of countries and backgrounds; speaking different languages and observing a range of faiths or none all add to the strength of the school. However one or two conversations recently have suggested people are being a little less tolerant and open than perhaps was the case. Please be reassured that we celebrate and learn about all faiths and cultures in the curriculum and other opportunities such as assemblies. Nothing is ever forced on the children – we want them to be open to all ideas and informed enough to make their own choices as they grow up.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Sutton Public Health is supporting the facilitation of a junior parkrun in Wilson's School! The event is free and will be held on Sunday mornings for 4-14 year olds. They need help spreading the word and recruiting volunteers.
Individuals can register their interest by either:
1. Scanning the QR code on the poster (attached) or
2. Clicking this link https://forms.gle/cquTCH8qtjKuzaeF6 or
3. Emailing publichealth@sutton.gov.uk
26th April 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I have been really heartened by a few random things in and around school this week.
Last Friday’s assembly was about Hope and Positivity and I ‘confessed’ to the children that I had (rather greedily) eaten a whole bag of sweets. The responses were fantastic and a lesson to us all!
- Frankie from Y6 told me, ‘They are finger licking good and perhaps you just needed a treat!’
- Kaleb from Y5 wisely observed, ‘Hey, it’s done and in the past; move on!’
Then one morning as I arrived, a Y3 mum and child were walking along the alleyway deep in conversation about the child’s learning the day before – so important and wonderful to hear.
Next, Lia from Y4 came to tell me about donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust – pictures and more information will be in the main newsletter but what an awesome thing to do. A child going through cancer treatment will be made so much happier because of Lia’s generosity and compassion.
Mrs Collings has put up the art work some children submitted to the Royal Academy Summer Show and they are stunning. Such creativity, thought and skills on display. Thank you if you supported your child to take part.
Lots of children have claimed their chocolate bunnies after completing the Easter Trail. Even if you didn’t find them all – do please bring the form back or if you have mislaid it, email the office confirming that you took part and we will distribute the last few early next week. If you took a form but didn’t get around to taking part, thank you for the donation to the Quiet Room Project. Monday at 3pm is the final, final deadline!
Family life can be really hard work and parenting is certainly the most difficult job I have ever done. Finding the balance between care and independence; risk and responsibility and play and learning is all tricky!
I came across this really clear explanation about tax free childcare which some of you may find useful, particularly if you are looking at play schemes etc for the summer:
Do remember there are spaces in our Breakfast and After School Clubs and they can accept your tax-free payments too.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers
Head Teacher
Sutton Public Health is supporting the facilitation of a junior parkrun in Wilson's School! The event is free and will be held on Sunday mornings for 4-14 year olds. They need help spreading the word and recruiting volunteers.
Individuals can register their interest by either:
1. Scanning the QR code on the poster (attached) or
2. Clicking this link https://forms.gle/cquTCH8qtjKuzaeF6 or
3. Emailing publichealth@sutton.gov.uk
If you experience issues accessing the poster, please try to access it via clicking this link.
This is an exciting initiative and has potential to make a positive impact on our young community.
19th April 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Welcome back to the summer term. I hope you had a happy Easter break and an enjoyable Eid if you were celebrating. It was lovely to see so many Y3&4 parents in to Meet the Teacher this week, thank you for working with us.
Summer term is always busy and Year groups will let you know about the various events that are happening. There will be an Open Evening in early July so you can visit old and new classes; see what learning has happened and which class your child will be in next year. Written reports will come to you early in July too and if you need to discuss anything you will be offered an appointment.
We are pleased to welcome Miss Taylor to RHJ teaching Maple Class and Miss Sharman who will join the Y3 team as she returns from Maternity Leave.
A few reminders:
Toys and trinkets
Children particularly from Y3 and Y4 are bringing in items like bracelets, beads, lip balm, lip gloss, personal toys and taking them out into the playground during lunchtime. If these are lost or mis-placed they are upset. Please discourage children from bringing these things in as we cannot be responsible for them or investigate upsets and arguments.
Road safety is still a concern. Please reinforce that everyone should use the pavements and not rely on there being no traffic in Thorncroft Road. Parking is a permanent problem – please don’t block drives or access in the local roads.
Easter Trail – thank you for supporting this! Children must return their form on Monday to claim their bunny. (Otherwise, the staff may eat them all!)
If you are replacing school shoes or uniform, please remember PE shorts /tracksuit bottoms and tops should be plain black and so should shoes worn with uniform. The easiest way is to buy plain black trainers that can be worn all week!
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Dear families of RHJ,
The end of another great term! It has been lovely to see Y5 & 6 parents meeting with teachers this week and we will look forward to catching up with Y3 & 4 parents after the holiday to share the children’s progress.
When I look back at all the events, trips and visitors this term I am proud that we are able to give the pupils such an all-round experience. We had a guest teacher from a South African school spend a morning with us this week and she was amazed by how independent and motivated the children are. She was also delighted to see the high standards of work and by how hard children and adults work every day!
Today we have said a very sad farewell to Mrs Warren who has been with us more than 10 years and will have taught many of your children over the years. She has been an outstanding member of the team, who will be missed as she moves on to an exciting new challenge, at Sutton High School. We wish her every success professionally and personally. After Easter we welcome Ms Emily Taylor who will take over in Maple Class.
A few safety reminders:
- Thorncroft Road is still a road and residents, school staff and visitors may need to drive up at during the ‘camera’ hours. Please make sure your children walk and wait on the path or in the alleyway when arriving and leaving school.
- Mobile phones belonging to pupils are not allowed in school.
- No children of junior age should be on Facebook /Tik Tok/ Instagram or WhatsApp as these have minimum ages of 13+ or older. If you have allowed access, you must monitor their use and check what they are saying, sharing and viewing.
Uniform seems rather confused at best and untidy at worst. Please check uniform expectations over the holidays – it is all on the website and is designed to be inexpensive and comfortable but still smart:
Have an ‘Eggcellent’ Easter break. If you have recently celebrated Purim or Holi, or are looking forward to Easter Sunday or Eid al-Fitr then we wish you a peaceful, happy and hopeful celebration.
School opens again on Monday 15th April and we will look forward to seeing everyone at 8.40am.
Dear families of RHJ,
The highlight of this week has definitely been the Y4 Easter performance and it was great to see so many families enjoying it. The children did so well and what really struck us was how brilliantly they worked together and supported each other. Well done to all the Y4 staff team and pupils.
Y3 have also had a great week and loved their trips to Hampton Court – what an adventure! They had a fabulous time and we are grateful to staff for organising and for the parent support, either helping with the trip or contributing towards the cost.
We are looking forward to meeting with Y5 & Y6 parents next week and lower school parents after Easter. If you need to bring your child with you that is fine, the teacher may ask them to wait outside the room if there is something they wish to talk to you about without them there. However if they have other activities and you want to come without them – that’s ok too.
Behaviour grumble: Manners
A few children are speaking to adults very rudely and in some cases choosing who they respond to positively. All adults here speak to children politely and positively and it is not acceptable that anyone is answered rudely or receives ‘back chat’ from children.
Please reinforce this at home, as it will be sanctioned in school. This is a place where we treat each other with respect and kindness.
It is unusual for me to grumble about matters like this as, overall, behaviour is great and of course, the majority of children are doing the right thing all the time. Thank you for your support.
If you are buying uniform over the holidays please remember PE shorts /tracksuit bottoms and tops should be plain black and so should shoes worn with uniform. The easiest way is to buy plain black trainers that can be worn all week!
15th March 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
Thank you all so much for supporting the Book Fair. The grand total raised will be announced in the newsletter at the end of term but it exceeded our expectations. This week has been busy, on Tuesday some of the school enjoyed an assembly led by the UK Parliament – your children asked such great questions! With regional and possibly national elections coming up, it is a really good opportunity to talk to them about democracy and voting. My other favourite moment this week has been hearing some of Maple Class’ amazing poems!
A few things have had to change lately and I really appreciate your understanding. You will have seen that Y3 & Y4 Meet the Teacher appointments are now after Easter.
Mrs Parker (our amazing SENDCo) has been meeting with parents all week too and these meetings have been very useful. As always, you are the most important element of your child’s education and it is vital that we work together. I am attaching a Robin Report on SEND to try and answer a few common queries.
Coming up next week:
- Easter performance by Y4 Tuesday afternoon & Wednesday morning – ‘book’ tickets on Parentpay please
- Hampton Court trips for Y3 are next week:
- SEND appointments for Y5&6 pupils – you will have received a personal letter.
- Last week to enter the RHJ Easter Egg Trail (via ParentPay) to receive a map to find our specially designed egg posters around Sutton
Last week of term
- Y5 & Y6 Meet the Teacher appointments 25th- 27th March – check your email to book
- Term ends on the 28th March at 1.30pm
There has been lots of confusion this year with children being unsure if they are fasting; saying they are when they aren’t or being unclear which days they are fasting.
We obviously wish to respect parents’ and pupils’ wishes but it is taking a huge amount of teacher and office time to check and sort out.
If you could email the office with your child’s name and decisions or if it changes, write in the diary each day, that would be very helpful.
If you are buying uniform over the holidays please remember PE shorts /tracksuit bottoms and tops should be plain black and so should shoes worn with uniform. The easiest way is to buy plain black trainers that can be worn all week!
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
If you want to know more about SEND provision please read the Ambitious for SEND newsletter that the Local Authority have just published. Parents can subscribe to this communication and receive these updates automatically using the link in the form.
The London Borough of Sutton is in the process of developing a new SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) strategy for the borough and is really keen to hear the views of children and young people with SEND/additional needs in the Borough. Barnardos are helping with this work. If you are a young person with SEND or additional needs, or a parent/carer of a child with SEND, please do contribute to this review by completing the survey by following the steps below:
1. Read about the survey here, what is being asked and how your privacy will be protected
2. Complete a short consent form here (upon completion you will be emailed a copy of the survey using the email address you provide)
3. Complete the survey that is emailed to you prior to the 12 April 2024
What children and young people tell us will influence the SEND/AP review and will inform decision makers about what children and young people’s lived experiences are in Sutton and how we can improve them.
8th March 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
World Book day this week was great! The corridors were teeming with princesses; witches and miniature Harry Potters. There was great excitement about the Book Trail and the Book Fair which looks like it has broken all sales records again! There are lots of books on order and we will distribute them as soon as we can. I know the purchasing was a little complicated and I am sorry for this – it is the Book Fair providers who make the rules – not us!
Thank you if you came in to see the Y3 rainforest projects – they were so proud of their work and delighted that you came to visit. Well done Y3 team.
Thanks also to Y6 for the information evenings about the residential trip. This is such an important landmark for Y6 pupils and is something they remember all their lives. I know my children still talk about theirs even though more than 25 years have passed.
Some news about Y5: Mrs Warren who has been with us for more than ten years is moving on after Easter to a new, exciting role at Sutton High School. We will miss her and her expertise very much but are pleased to welcome Miss Taylor, an experienced teacher, to RHJ to teach Maple Class.
I can’t quite believe there are only two and a half weeks left of the term! They are busy with:
- Easter performance by Y4
- Hampton Court trips for Y3
- Easter trail fundraiser – details coming
- Meet the Teacher appointments 26th- 28th March
- SEND appointments – you should receive a separate letter if your child has additional needs.
- Term ends on the 28th March at 1.30pm
If you are buying uniform over the holiday please remember PE shorts /tracksuit bottoms and tops should be plain black and so should shoes worn with uniform. The easiest way is to buy plain black trainers that can be worn all week!
Have a lovely weekend and thank you for supporting the Book Fair so generously. I hope your homes have been quiet this week as the children enjoy the new books J
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
1st March 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
March already and the first day of meteorological Spring! Happy St David’s Day too.
Y6 have enjoyed their non-uniform day today to support the traditional hoodie purchasing to mark the end of their time at RHJ!
Next week is the Book Fair and World Book Day which is always exciting and is a great fund raiser for the school.
We are so proud of our library (which Mrs Bond; Mrs Benjamin and Mrs Kannan work tirelessly to maintain) and of our children’s love for reading. Please look at your child’s wish list and do support it if you can. In my view the best possible gift is a bookJ
Coming up next week:
- Y4 are off to the Easter Experience on Tuesday
- Y6 PGL meeting on Wednesday
- World Book Day on Thursday – please don’t spend money on costumes – buy books instead!
- Dressing up is completely optional and is best done with things you already have at home
A few reminders:
- Shoes with uniform should be black – there are a lot of white or coloured trainers being worn (ok with PE kit, not ok with school uniform)
- All children should be earning 100 points on Mathletics and reading with an adult for around 20 mins a day (this can be being read to; sharing a picture book or reading aloud)
- Earrings (which must be studs) should be removed for PE and swimming. If children can’t do this themselves; please do it at home.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Earlier in the week we sent a letter about a family support group run by Nibby Withers who has worked with us for many years and is fantastic! She has a wealth of experience with children who may refuse school; have anxiety or sleep difficulties; demonstrate challenging behaviour or those with a diagnosis of autism or ADHD.
She offers really positive and practical support and we would highly recommend the course to all parents as we know parenting is a tough job! Ask the office for another copy if you can’t find the information.
UCL are running a survey on views of family welling being and health as well as the NCMP.
Calling parents/caregivers in London Borough of Sutton with children aged 0-12 years! UCL researchers want to hear your views on family wellbeing, health, and how children's physical growth is measured at school. They hope your views will help improve public services and future research. Click on the link to take part: https://qualtrics.ucl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_ewzCZy5ivY3EeZE
Some of you may have young adults at home who can vote for the first time this year or may need to check the new requirements yourselves.
You’ll need to show photo ID when voting in person in some UK elections or referendums. https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need
Supporting Common Child Anxieties and Worries - Including Around Exams
The Education Wellbeing Service is offering a Webinar for parents. You can sign up for one of the sessions by using this link:
Iceland (the Supermarket) sells baby formula at cost price on principle.
They are not allowed to promote this discount.
If you know someone who is struggling to buy formula let them know. |
23rd February 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
I hope you had a good half term. This second half of the Spring Term is busy but the days are getting longer and warmer (mostly).
Coming up:
- Friday 1st March – Y6 non-uniform only
- Friday 1st March – Coffee & Book Swap
- Week of 4th March – Book Fair
- Tuesday 5th March Y4 Easter Experience
- Thursday 7th March – WORLD BOOK DAY – children can dress up if they would like to! Not everyone will want to and that is fine!
- Y3 are excited to visit Hampton Court
- Y4 will put on an Easter performance
- Meet the Teacher and SEND meetings are towards the end of term.
Please check the school calendar and your email for information.
There has been lots of illness – mostly coughs, colds, sore throats and tummy bugs and it can be hard to tell if a child is genuinely too poorly for school. Tiredness; anxiety and friendship issues can all trigger a feeling of being ‘unwell’ – even as grown-ups!
If you do decide to keep them home for something like a tummy ache, if they rally during the morning and seem fine, please bring them in a bit late or even after lunch. We are always pleased to see them.
In assembly today we talked about Keeping Safe and all the various measures we have in school for keeping everyone safe, physically and emotionally in school. If you have any queries about our procedures, do please ask.
As always I would like to thank our amazing staff who I see going the extra mile for the children every day. The range of experiences and opportunities they plan for is great and the pastoral care they give is remarkable. I read recently that ‘Education is the only job where you lose sleep over other people’s children.’ It may not be 100% accurate but I see how much our staff care every day and I am grateful to work in such a caring environment.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers - Head Teacher
15th February 2024
Dear Families of RHJ,
This half term has absolutely flown but we still seem to have packed lots in! Please take time to read and enjoy all the accounts below and to think about things you might perhaps like to become involved in.
I was reading an article recently about the range of experiences children have nowadays. It said:
Many kids now have no resilience… they’re not climbing trees or building dens, or going to museums or making dubious ‘potions’, or going for walks and getting lost … they’re playing inside on X box and watching endless volumes of Tik-tok and YouTube.
Those children are being passively conditioned: win=good, lose=bad … and a quick fix if something goes wrong. Don’t like something? Click next. Game not going your way? Quit.
So, when something in the real world goes wrong, or feels uncomfortable they have nothing to draw on and no way of independently solving the problem. Worse – they don’t see it as normal. The children I see coping well with setbacks, are also the ones who read, who go to the park/into the wild, risk take, get dirty and fall off stuff, whose parents talk to them, who coach them into solving their own problem – in fact, those children who are allowed to get into situations where they experience problems.
Is it possible that children and young people are measuring happiness by their experience of what makes them happy?
I think there is some truth in this. Over half term please keep an eye on screen time; social media use and what your children are watching. Encourage them to get outside; go to the park or if you can visit a free museum or gallery; visit the library; plant, paint, play a board game or cook something and try to involve them in things you need to do – even housework or DIY! Your time is what they crave most.
Please check uniform expectations over the holidays – it is all on the website:
Have a good break and we will look forward to seeing the children on Monday 19th February.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers - Head Teacher
26th January 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
This half term is flying past – I am sure you feel the same! My display of children taking part in outside activities is growing but if you can send a picture of your child enjoying something outside school – that would be great.
Staff took part in some interesting training around ADHD this week and then at Governors we were discussing how best to support parents and for parents to support us. It was good to see a few parents at the course on Thursday and also Y6 parents at the SATS morning on Wednesday. Do let us know if you find these things helpful.
Friday 2nd February is the next books /chat & coffee opportunity for parents and carers. The Studio will open from 8.40am to coincide with drop off until around 9.45am. You are very welcome to pop in, choose or swap a book and chat to the school team – Mrs Parker our SENDCo will be there this week if you have any questions relating to additional needs. This is often a stressful subject and the support of other families and a chance to discuss informally can help.
Please let us know if there are topics you would like us to support you with.
To help us the critical things are:
- Reading to and with your child at home (and noting it in the diary)
- Practising times tables and real life maths – measuring, cooking, shopping etc
- Naming clothes; teaching them to tie their shoes laces /ties if they can and encouraging them to be responsible for belongings
- Keeping friendship issues in proportion – they are learning to manage relationships alongside learning everything else and they will make mistakes
- Remembering we are human too and we are doing our best!
Our school family is growing and we have more families than ever who speak many languages and who have experience of living and studying in other countries. We would be interested to hear from any families who would feel able to support new parents to the school or who could share with us some of the similarities and differences in education around the world. Do contact me if you could help.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Woodpeckers Parent & Toddler Group
Fridays 10am-11:30am from 23 Feb 2024
Woodpeckers is a new outdoor parent & toddler group at Sutton Ecology Centre. Join Woody the Woodpecker for fun and adventures! Take time to explore nature with your toddler as they gain confidence through activities and woodland walks. Plus weekly stories, songs and snacks. Suitable for preschool confident walkers. The group is entirely outdoors, there is a toilet available.
For more information and to book visit https://suttonbiodiversity.eventbrite.com
Enquiries: biodiversity@sutton.gov.uk
Bags of Taste focuses on helping individuals and families improve their long-term health and finances and build their resilience and confidence through our independently evaluated cooking course. Here is a link to our website:
We work across England, including multiple London boroughs, to target people who are struggling to make ends meet. These may be young people, families, single parents, pensioners, socially isolated people, people over reliant on ready meals and fast food, people with medical conditions or mental health issues. You can find the areas we cover here https://bagsoftaste.org/courses/.
We aim to change people’s mindset by providing a structured and supported 2 week programme. Many of our previous participants have saved around £1,060, which is something useful especially with the rising costs of living. Children have also enjoyed it and allowed them to try cooking and eating new foods.
We will arrange delivery of a FREE bag of ingredients for three delicious low cost meals (that make about 7 meals) to a referred family’s door and mentor them by WhatsApp or phone over a two week period while they cook the dishes in their own time.
When they complete the dishes we ask for feedback and then send a further pack of recipes, a small gift and an invitation to join our Bags of Taste graduates Facebook and/or WhatsApp group where further recipes and support is given.
Supporting Common Child Anxieties and Worries - Including Around Exams
The Education Wellbeing Service is offering a Webinar for parents. You can sign up for one of the sessions by using this link:
19th January 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
What a very chilly week! I know the children run around at playtime and get warm but the number of discarded coats in lost property is remarkable – especially as coats are quite expensive. Please write your child’s name in it somewhere so even if they don’t look for it, it may stand a chance of finding its way back to them.
This week:
- Lots of parents popped in to see the Y3 Stone Age houses on Monday
- Y5 enjoyed looking at some books of their writing that have been published. There are some class copies so even if parents were not able to buy one, the children have seen their work in print
- Young Voices was thoroughly enjoyed by children and staff
- The Science Quiz team did really well on Wednesday – look out for the full write up in the next newsletter
- There’s lots of Y3 excitement about the Winter Disco
I am very grateful to staff who give up their own time to organise these things for the children. Please remember there are 361 pupils with a wide range of needs and everyone is doing their best!
I have spoken to a number of parents lately about friendship issues or behaviour concerns. Please come to us if there is an issue rather than trying to deal with it outside school – as usually you weren’t there so you can’t know what happened! We will speak to you if we have a worry or concern.
Please encourage the children to speak up if they feel something is not right – ideally immediately as things are much easier to sort out that way.
If you are interested in or concerned about your children’s mental health and wellbeing – please look at the second page of this letter for various events.
Please look again at the uniform expectations – we try to be flexible and helpful but we would like children to take pride in their school and uniform is part of that.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED FLYER -Primary Family Support Group
Empowering parents to build healthy relationships with their children –starts Monday!
Being a Parent – It’s the toughest job!
Sign up for the supportive course (held here in the New Year) by contacting Parenting Administrator Clare Kennedy to book your place
Email: clare.kennedy@sutton.gov.uk/ Contact Number: 07873702777
When? Thursday 25th January - Thursday 21st March 2024 9.15am - 11.15am (No session on Thursday 15th February due to half term) @ Robin Hood Junior School, Thorncroft Road, Sutton, SM1 1RL
Understanding and Supporting Your Child’s Sleep’
The Education Wellbeing Service is offering a Webinar for parents, exploring child sleep and routines. You can sign up for one of the sessions by using this link:
Some children’s uniform seems rather haphazard L. We have worked hard to make our expectations affordable and comfortable so please try to follow the guidance.
- Shoes or trainers with uniform should be completely BLACK
- PE joggers and hoodies or sweatshirts should be BLACK
- White shirts need ties / dark green polos don’t
- Every child needs a coat every day
- Please write their names in things.
- Earrings must be studs and removed for PE /swimming
12th January 2024
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been lovely to see all the children back this week. I hope everyone had some rest over the holidays; it felt Christmas was upon us very quickly after the end of term but then it was nice to have time afterwards.
Thank you for the kind wishes, cards and gifts we received.
We are pleased to welcome Mrs Chanpoomidole who has joined the Y4 teaching support team and also welcome to Mrs Adams who will be working in the Office on Thursdays and Fridays (alongside Mrs Hoblyn) whilst Mrs Davenport is on maternity leave. Mrs Pitman is returning as Beech Class teacher on Monday 22nd January so we will be saying farewell to Mrs Nash on the 19th January.
Please do make sure you keep an eye on your email and the website. There is lots of support being offered and events happening and you might be disappointed if you miss something!
It was lovely to see a few parents at the Books & Coffee slot this morning – thanks to Mr Kench and Mrs Withersby for organising it. The next one will be the first Friday in February – the 2nd. There are lots of books so if you don’t have one to swap, or you’d just like somewhere warm for a coffee and a chat – come anyway!
Coming up:
- Next week is the Young Voices Concert
- You can still sign up for the Being a Parent course – see the note below
- Y3 have a Winter Disco on the 19th
- If you are interested in or concerned about your children’s mental health and wellbeing – please look at the second page of this letter for various events
- Some children’s uniform seems rather haphazard L. We have worked hard to make our expectations affordable and comfortable so please try to follow the guidance.
- Shoes or trainers with uniform should be completely BLACK
- PE joggers and hoodies or sweatshirts should be BLACK
- White shirts need ties / dark green polos don’t
- Every child needs a coat every day
- Please write their names in things.
- Earrings must be studs and removed for PE /swimming
- Children should be in school and settled by 8.50am so please aim for 8.40am. They come out at 3.20pm so please pick up on time.
- Parking – I know it is cold but it is really difficult at the moment with all the road & pavement works so please park safely and considerately.
- Attendance – please remember holiday is never authorised and we are seeing a real impact on children’s learning when they do go away in term time.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Being a Parent – It’s the toughest job!
Sign up for the supportive course (held here in the New Year) by contacting Parenting Administrator Clare Kennedy to book your place
Email: clare.kennedy@sutton.gov.uk/ Contact Number: 07873702777
When? Thursday 25th January - Thursday 21st March 2024 9.15am - 11.15am (No session on Thursday 15th February due to half term) @ Robin Hood Junior School, Thorncroft Road, Sutton, SM1 1RL
Understanding and Supporting Your Child’s Sleep’
The Education Wellbeing Service is offering a Webinar for parents, exploring child sleep and routines. You can sign up for one of the sessions by using this link:
Healthwatch Survey
Surveys were completed by children just before the pandemic in 2020 and again in 2023.
- Many children have poor mental health
- Over half of the children we surveyed have had trouble sleeping or have felt lonely.
- Children’s mental health has got worse since the pandemic
- The proportion who have had trouble sleeping has increased by 17 percent and those who have felt lonely by 16 percent.
- Girls had more problems than boys
- Almost six out of ten girls have felt lonely, but only four out of ten boys have.
- Children feel less able to rely on parents
- Before the pandemic, 63 percent of children said they would go to their parents if they had a problem. Now only 54 percent say this.
You can see the full report (and find out more about Healthwatch) on their website at:
Please call them on 020 8641 9540 if you would like to receive a paper copy or have any specific needs to make the report accessible to you.
Healthwatch are working with Sutton Council to engage with parents and guardians. They would like to hear your views about the report findings and would really welcome any suggested actions that could support to address the issues have identified.
To facilitate this, they are inviting you to attend one of the following events:
Where: The Quad, Green Wrythe Lane, Carshalton SM5 1JW
When: Monday 15th January 1pm – 2.30pm or 6pm – 7.30pm
15th December
Dear families of RHJ,
As we come to the end of a very busy term, I would like to wish everyone a happy and restful Christmas holiday and a Merry Christmas if you are celebrating.
I hope you are able to spend time together and enjoy some of the things that make Christmas special – old movies; new stories; playing games and going for walks. We have talked a lot in school about how Christmas means more than lists and gifts – the children are always thoughtful and reflective. We are proud of them.
The newsletter is full of all sorts of exciting learning experiences and I am sure you will enjoy reading about them and seeing the photos. The Y5 Christmas performance was just lovely and the pupils worked so hard to make the show so polished and professional. Well done all of Y5 and especially to the staff who directed; cajoled and costumed 90 children!
This term it has been great to have a bit more contact with parents and families – please read about the book swap below as this is an exciting (and relaxed) new initiative. The Christmas Float with the Rotary Club was fantastic – huge thanks to Mrs Douglas, Mrs Clarkson, Mrs Bond and Mrs Prescott as well as the children, parents and grandparents who helped out.
In other news I am pleased to tell you Mrs Davenport has had a new baby - we send the whole family our congratulations. Mrs Khan will return from maternity leave this week and will teach PPA once again. Mrs Pitman returns full time in mid-January and will assume responsibility for Beech Class. We are grateful to Mrs Nash who stayed with us to give Beech some continuity.
A reminder that gifts are never expected at any time of year, we know things are tricky for many families. If you do wish to give a token gift, please only think of the people who work with your children every day! If you’d like to make a donation to school you can do so via ParentPay using the School Fund item.
A few reminders:
- If you are buying shoes over the holiday – plain black trainers are perfect for uniform & PE days.
- We have lots of children wearing coloured trainers, DMs or other boots which aren’t ideal.
- Please take the time to name coats & jumpers – even just in biro will help
- School restarts on Monday 8th January
Kind regards & Happy New Year.
Ideas for a Tech Free Christmas
Internet Safety Advice
8th December 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It is feeling rather more Christmassy this week in school. Decorations have gone up and the classrooms and display boards look great. On Wednesday the children enjoyed Christmas lunch and made crowns /party hats which were fantastic and really expressed their individuality.
Today the school watched the dress rehearsal of the Y5 show which sounded wonderful, I am looking forward to seeing it next week. Next week Y3 will go to the Infants to see the Y2 show which is always lovely – the RHI staff are always amazed by how much Y3 have ‘grown up’.
We have a Christmas kindness advent calendar up in school suggesting things children can do each day for others. There seems to be a bit of a lack of kindness around at the moment generally – maybe everyone is tired and busy but still – kindness costs nothing and makes a big difference.
On the subject of Christmas stresses, we know this is an expensive time of year and a gentle reminder that gifts for staff are never expected. If it is important to you to give a token, please just do so for the people who work with your children day in and day out, teachers, TAs or office staff – those of us on the leadership side certainly don’t need presents.
A few reminders:
- All clubs have now finished for the term
- Term ends at 1.30pm on Thursday 21st December for all children
- Spring Term starts for everyone on Monday 8th January
- Please take & send in a photo of your child enjoying their out of school activities (just one per child please!)
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
Message from the Children’s Commissioner
We have had an amazing response from nursery, primary and secondary schools across England and as a result I’ve decided to extend the closing date to Friday 19th January 2024 to allow even more children the chance to have their say.
This will give schools, children and young people an extra month over the festive season to take part in ‘The Big Ambition’.
Children and parents can complete the survey here: www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/thebigambition
1st December 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
December already – staff have put up decorations and the school is looking very festive! The weather certainly reflects the season so please make sure your child has a named coat every day, as we do try to get them outside at break and lunchtime.
It has been a tricky week as many children and staff have been unwell. Our team have been amazing, swapping duties, classes and covering as much as they can. If your child is really unwell, do of course keep them at home rather than spreading the germs but please keep in touch with the office and be mindful that sometimes being off gets to be a bit of a habit. When they are well enough – send them in!
At home they can still read and do their Mathletics /Times tables Rockstars / Spelling Shed & Learning Village, if they have this.
We can tell children are getting tired and some are under the weather because behaviour takes a bit of a dip. This week there have been lots of unkind or unnecessary comments between children. They are also finding it hard to move on from things that have been dealt with, sometimes from long ago or even at the Infant School! We deal with all incidents of unkindness, prejudice or aggression as soon as we are told however, you can support your child with a positive outlook.
You can help with this by asking questions like:
- What did you enjoy learning today?
- Who did you choose to sit with at lunch?
- What were you proud of and why?
- Did you do anything kind today?
- What would you like to read together this evening?
YOU are your child’s greatest role model. If you are positive, calm, kind and respectful – they will be too.
Fiddle Toys - If you think your child needs one of these, please speak to Mrs Parker our SENDCo about it before sending one in. They can be provided in school for children who need them but are also a bit of a distraction for some pupils.
Internet safety – I am aware some children have been discussing highly unsuitable apps and websites; some with an age limit of 18+. Please monitor your children’s access and devices every day – Internet matters has lots of great parent information. https://www.internetmatters.org/
Have a lovely weekend.
In the shops I see lots of gifts being marketed as suitable for your child's teacher or school staff.
Many parents and carers are extremely generous but please be aware our staff never expect gifts from children. We know that the cost of living is high and we would never want to create extra financial pressure. A card with a few kind words is just as appreciated as a gift.
Also, we no longer encourage 'posting' cards in school - a Christmas card to the whole class is much better than writing 30!
If it is important to you to make such a gesture then of course we understand but please just do so for the people who work with your child or help you every day.
I certainly don't need gifts and I know the wider Leadership Team feel the same!
Kind regards
Mrs Broers
24th November 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
Maple Class joined me in the Quad garden this week and we tackled the weeds; planted lavender and bulbs and had great fun! They hoed and dug with commitment; were excited by weed root systems and different types of bulbs and got very muddy. The Quad looks fantastic and in the Spring I am sure, will be a delight. Huge thanks to Mrs Warren, Mr & Mrs Benjamin who helped and the children of Maple Class. One pupil said to me – ‘My hands have never been so dirty!’
Christmas is coming and the last date for booking a Christmas lunch is Monday so please follow the link for this otherwise a lunch will not be ordered for you child and they will need to bring a packed lunch. We are trying to avoid unnecessary food waste. Presents have been arriving for the Salvation Army Appeal and as always the children have raised a phenomenal amount – pictures and totals will follow in the newsletter but thank you for all your support.
Science Quiz Team Superstars - 6th out of 51 schools and through to semi-finals! Well done Ifti, Arini, Elson and Kiara, Chloe & Vrinda - and Mrs Douglas who was more nervous than the children!
Beyond the School Gate
I was chatting to a Y4 pupil this week who was telling me about her outside school activities. I know children belong to all sorts of clubs; organisations and have a hugely wide range of interests and we would like to celebrate these. I’d like a display board called ‘Beyond the School Gate’. Please could you send in a photograph of your child doing something they love outside school – it could be gymnastics; off to Cubs or their football team; building a Lego model; helping in the garden or anything they enjoy! Printed photos would be perfect if you can. Pop them in an envelope and your child can give them to their teacher or leave them in the office for me.
Behaviour in school
We know children are learning all the time, to manage their emotions and behaviours as well as all the curriculum demands. They need support with this and the playground, lunch hall and lessons all have their own expectations and supervision.
We also want to give children the skills and right to challenge something that makes them feel uncomfortable or unhappy. If someone is being bossy or hurts you physically or emotionally every child should feel able to say ‘Please don’t do /say that; I don’t like it.’ If the behaviour continues, they should of course speak to an adult.
A few reminders:
- Teachers are busy with their class in the mornings so you are welcome to speak to the office or the member of SLT on the gate. After school is the time for a quick hello or catch up – or make an appointment for something more detailed or confidential. Please come in via the office so we know who is on site for safeguarding reasons.
- All children will come in via the back doors from Monday rather than through the toilets.
- If your child has been off school, unwell for more than 3 days – please speak to the office.
- School shoes or trainers should be black and PE tracksuits too.
Have a lovely weekend.
17th November
Dear families of RHJ,
This seems to have been a very busy week! Today it is great to see so many children supporting the Christmas Compassion Appeal. The effort they put in to choosing gifts for others is heart-warming and says a lot about your children.
Last week lots of pupils from Y6 joined me in using their writing skills to write letters to people in hospitals and hospices. They were so thoughtful and I am sure their letters will brighten someone’s day.
I am now up to 11 responses to the parent survey. It is still open so do please check last week’s letter for the link. We are discussing the outcomes on Monday so I will feedback next week. There is lots of work going on to gather pupils’ views and they are often brutally honest! This is of course a good thing! J
This week’s question was about writing and these are some of the responses.
Enjoy | Don’t enjoy |
Other news
Y6 have been out and about with a visit to Sutton Life Centre on Monday and the remaining classes visiting the Mosque in Morden. Y5 are rehearsing their Christmas show and Y3 are still chattering about the Stone Age Workshop. These visits, trips and events really help to put their learning in context and we are grateful for your support – financial and as parent helpers when we need them.
Please check your email for the Being a Parent Course starting in January – it is highly recommended. Ask the office if you can’t find it!
A few reminders:
- If your child is has been off school, unwell for more than 3 days – please speak to the office rather than just leaving phone messages or using the absence reporting form . There is a greater duty on schools to monitor absence now so we may need to chat to you.
- School shoes or trainers should be black and PE tracksuits too.
- Keep us up to date with contacts and new addresses please in case of emergencies
- Write a note in the going home book if your child is going home with someone else.
- A parent said to me this week that she felt parents were ‘not allowed’ in school and couldn’t speak to teachers. This is not the case – if you need to speak to someone please just ask and we will do our best to help.
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely
Elisabeth Broers Head Teacher
The Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel De Souza has launched a national campaign The Big Ambition. We have been asked to share this survey with the children and parents within our school community.
Dame Rachel says:
Children or parents can complete the survey here: www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/thebigambition ..
It is really important that the pupils at Robin Hood Junior School participate in The Big Ambition survey and have their say.
I want to ensure that the voices of all children in the London area are fairly represented in the findings so that I can share their views with the most senior members of the country.
I must reiterate that it is vital that all children have their voice heard through this survey because, as Children’s Commissioner for England, I have a statutory duty to protect and promote the views and interests of children. The Big Ambition provides a much-needed opportunity for the children of England to tell political decision makers what is important to them ahead of the General Election. I will be sharing their responses with Government to ensure that children’s voices are heard.
The survey can also be done at home and parents can assist children who cannot complete the survey themselves (children under 5 and children with Special Educational Needs). This is a great opportunity to teach children about politics and why it is important for them to use their voice.
10th November 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
Another busy week in school where some of Y6 have visited the Mosque and Y3 have investigated the Stone Age. One of the things I love about school life is how every day brings something different! Today in assembly we will mark Remembrance Day and Diwali.
The half term is flying by and I thought it might be helpful to remind you of things coming up. There is separate information about all of these via ParentPay and on the website but I know your inboxes get busy.
- Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th – Y6 Cedar and Oak visit the Mosque
- Friday 17th – Whole School non-uniform day for our Christmas Compassion Appeal
- Thursday 23rd – Maple gardening day – letter coming soon
- Friday 1st – Christmas Clothing day – donations to wear festive jumpers; or just non uniform with tinsel or reindeer ears please.
- Wednesday 6th – Children’s Christmas lunch – (order by 27/11 please or they won’t get any lunch!)
- Monday 11th – Y5 Christmas afternoon performance to parents – time tbc
- Wednesday 13th - Y5 Christmas evening performance to parents – time tbc
- Thursday 21st – end of term at 1.30pm
Lots of parents have asked for advice about supporting their child emotionally and two flyers are attached to this letter, as next week the NHS Education Wellbeing Service is running two webinars for local primary school parents.
The first session looks at the zones of regulation and supporting big emotions during the primary years. The second is on understanding and supporting your child with autism spectrum condition for parents whose child has a diagnosis. Evening and lunchtime webinars are available. For information and to sign up, use this link: www.eventbrite.com/cc/primary-parents-nhs-wellbeing-workshops-682309
Thank you to the four parents who responded regarding opportunities to support in school. The form is still open https://forms.gle/YDEPxa5QNQVfT2V49 .There is no commitment at this stage but it would help us plan! We look forward to working with you.
Finally – lots of children are in coloured trainers with their uniform. Completely black trainers or school shoes are the expectation please. Scarlet Fever also seems to be doing the rounds so if you child is unwell, please check symptoms here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/scarlet-fever/
Enjoy the weekend and if you are celebrating Diwali, may your Diwali bring peace and love to your life.
3rd November 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable half term – now it is November already and the evenings are getting darker. The weather has been changeable this week but we try and get the children outside at playtime even if it is a bit wet so please make sure they bring a named coat every day. There isn’t much space in the classrooms and cloakrooms for umbrellas and wellies so if you do use these for the journey to school and can take them home with you – it really helps!
Parking around school is going to be even worse in the coming weeks due to the water board works so please do not try to park in Thorncroft / Greenford /Clarence Roads and certainly not on people’s private property! Asda and Sainsbury’s car parks are the obvious and safer choices if you need to park locally.
Working with families
It was great to see a number of parents at the recent support workshop and we would like to build on our work with families. We don’t have a Parent Association but we do encourage your support and involvement! We have planned or would like to plan the following:
- Parent Governor applications – close today
- A session on pupil anxiety
- A weekly parenting course January -March (run by Theresa Cameron an experienced Parenting Coordinator for Sutton).
- Some work outside tackling some of the garden areas.
- A parent discussion group around SEND support.
- Parent support with potential fundraising events.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities – please fill in this google form. https://forms.gle/YDEPxa5QNQVfT2V49 There is no commitment at this stage but it would help us plan! We look forward to working with you.
Enjoy the weekend whatever the weather and if you are enjoying fireworks – please be safe.
Yours sincerely
Useful Advice for Young People in Sutton - by young people in Sutton
20th October 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been a busy half term! We have been lucky with the weather with only one or two wet play sessions although sadly the forecast for the holiday is a little wet and windy.
The children are tired, please try and keep regular bedtimes over the holidays especially as the clocks change (backwards) on the 29th October. This does also mean children may not walk home on their own from Clubs after half term as it will be getting dark.
It has been lovely to see so many of you at ‘Meet the Teacher’ appointments this week. I hope you have enjoyed hearing how your children have settled into their new academic year groups. Quite a few parents made appointments and then just didn’t turn up which is disappointing and a poor use of the teachers’ time. Please let us know if you find you can’t make it – just like you would any other professional appointment.
Attendance is a hot topic at the moment and the Government have a new strategy being rolled out.
Please note that keeping children off school because you are unwell or have an appointment; to help out with younger children or because you have car trouble is not authorised. Also asking children to say they were unwell is a very poor example to set.
If children have mild colds; ‘growing pains’; non-specific tummy aches or headaches – please send them in. I was speaking to a group of children last week and they told me they absolutely trust the office ladies to send them home if they are really poorly!
Anxiety is another issue that is often raised by parents. Friendship problems happen and are part of growing up. Encourage children to talk to an adult in school immediately and our great team will always try and support them.
Thank you if your child is smartly dressed in school uniform. Trainers /school shoes need to be plain BLACK with uniform please. If you could try and name coats; jumpers etc over the break that would really help with the mountain of lost property and also the cost to you of replacing things!
Have a good break and we will look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 31st October – in full uniform ready for their photos! See the note below.
Kind regards
13th October 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been a busy week and we can see the children are getting tired, particularly the little ones. Please try and stick to regular bedtimes and limit screen time as this makes a big difference – as does breakfast!
Half term: We finish for half term next Friday 20th October at the usual time of 3.20pm. Children are back at 8.40am on Tuesday 31st October.
Parking: Thank you if you have thought about where you are parking this week and the impact on safety and local residents. I know it has been wet a few days but if the children have coats they will survive a short walk!
Next week there are Meet the Teacher appointments so please check your emails and sign up if you haven’t yet. Your child will bring their key books home today (if they haven’t already) so you can look at them together over the weekend. Please make sure they come back on Monday!
Please use half term to name their coats as they discard them when they run around and it is very time consuming to reunite them! Biro on a label is fine as coats don’t need washing too often.
Also if you are buying shoes or trainers over the holiday – please buy plain black.
Long hair – We suggest that all long hair is completely tied up in a ponytail, braids or plaits as this greatly reduces the chance of catching head lice, which are at their peak in October and November every year!
Getting rid of them is time consuming and often expensive so this is an easy way to try and avoid the problem completely.
6th October 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It was lovely to meet with a number of parents on Thursday morning for coffee and to hear advice from the Sutton Family Hub and the School Nursing Service. The atmosphere was relaxed and supportive and it was great to just chat to parents about their worries and hopes for their children. We would really like to encourage more family involvement and there are lots of ways to help us!
Last week we emailed you a letter letting you know we have a vacancy for a new school governor. We would love to hear from you especially if you have experience in finance or personnel matters. Do let me know if you would like to find out more and I can meet with you or put you in touch with another governor.
Any nominations must be received before 9am on Monday 16th October.
Anxiety seems to be a common issue at home, sometimes around coming to school although parents knew that when they were here – they were happy! This is tricky as we can all feel a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of the routine and busyness of another school day and our children are no different. We are looking to put on further sessions around anxiety and other topics that came up, so watch out for these.
Acknowledge their concerns of course but have high expectations; reassure them that you and we are here to listen and send them in! We know that children thrive on the social side of school, you want them to have all the building blocks that education needs and that the routines, boundaries and expectations actually help them to develop.
Online Safety was another challenge and setting boundaries was discussed. There is lots of useful advice for parents here: https://www.internetmatters.org/. In the end it is the same as anything else, you have to agree with other adults in the home what your boundaries are – e.g. limits on screen time or access to certain apps or platforms and then you have to stick to them – just like you insist on brushing their teeth or not running in the road! We are going to send out more information about internet safety over the coming months as it is an area where many families feel they do not have the right skills.
World Mental Health Day is next week (Tuesday 10th) and the message is that TALKING helps! I would reinforce that and say if there is something worrying you about school – please talk to us. We are on the gate every day, will always try to speak to you in response to a call or email. The relationship between home and school has to be a partnership – even if you didn’t love school, I am sure you want your children to enjoy it!
Meet the Teacher slots will be released early next week so watch out for the email link. It is lovely to see you face to face but if that really doesn’t work for you we can arrange phone calls later on. Books will come home the weekend before so you can discuss them with your child at leisure.
Other school news – we are pleased to have Mrs Parker back working Monday to Thursday. Her SENDCo days are Monday and Tuesday so she may not get back to you immediately but later in the week. If it is urgent you can come through to me or Mr Kench and we will help.
Today we say goodbye to Ms Koch and Ms Schiopu – both trainee teachers from a Swiss University who have been working with us for the last few weeks and showing the children how being multi lingual, working with and travelling to other countries are very good things.
Yours sincerely
29th September
Dear families of RHJ,
What a week! There have been some highlights – such as the fantastic Y6 trip to the Bluebell Railway which saw pupils evacuated by a real steam train. They loved the experience and came back full of understanding for their WWII studies. Visits like this really add to the children’s experience but are expensive for us to provide so your support is appreciated.
We are also pleased to let you know that Mrs Rix’s baby has arrived safely – congratulations to the whole family. We also welcome Mrs Parker back from maternity leave next week.
A few children are getting tired already and falling out with friends and classmates or struggling with focus. Please try and maintain regular bedtimes and time outside in the coming weeks to help them manage. The school day is long and full and many are only little. A good breakfast and a water bottle will make a difference too.
Thank you if your child has correct uniform. Please look for plain black trainers and dark green polo shirts when you are buying them. A reminder that smart watches (or any other mobile or electronic devices) are not allowed in school – too valuable and their internet connectivity is a safeguarding risk.
Please make sure you have completed all the ‘start of term’ forms and permissions and that you understand the impact.
- If we don’t have three emergency contacts then we are breaking safeguarding rules and your child may be unwell or distressed with no one to collect them.
- If you say ‘no photos’ then they can’t have their individual picture taken or the class photo at the end of the year.
- If you say ‘no trips’ then they may miss out on exciting visits like the Bluebell Railway.
The amazing office staff will do their best to help you if you need it.
If you have any questions about school, local support or would like to talk to the School Nursing Service – please pop in for coffee next Thursday morning. See more details below.
There is also a letter from our Chair of Governors coming home as we are seeking a new parent governor to join the Governing Body and finally, the online consent (or not) for the flu vaccine should be completed by Wednesday 4th October please. Have a lovely weekend – October already!
Yours sincerely
22nd September 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been lovely to see all the children ‘Expressing Themselves’ today in their choice of clothing; hairstyles and accessories! Thank you for supporting the Young Minds Charity too.
I can’t quite believe next week is the end of September – the days are flying past and school has a busy buzz about it. Palm Class are enjoying their swimming at SHS; the Library is fully open – staffed by Y6 pupils and led by Mrs Bond; Mrs Benjamin and Mrs Kannan. School lunches are settling into a pattern and Clubs have all started again which is great.
Our school focus this year will be curriculum development – working to make the curriculum as innovative and engaging as we can. This obviously involves working with families and there are a couple of sessions coming up I would encourage you to sign up for.
On October 5th there is a coffee and chat session which will include me; someone from the Sutton Family Hub and also someone from the School Nursing Team. If you have questions about school; local support or your child’s wellbeing – or you just want to say hello and meet other parents, this is a good opportunity. More information is attached – please let the office know you are coming so we can buy enough biscuits!
On the 18th October there will be a Phonics Workshop to help you help your child. That week will also be ‘Meet the Teacher’ appointments and there will be online booking links coming at the start of October.
There have been lots of headlines about attendance recently – some criticising schools; some complaining about parents and some the government!
There are always several sides to every story but attendance is important and I would say for the following reasons:
- Children thrive on the routines; high expectations and relationships they have in school.
- Missing odd days is unsettling for them – we all hate feeling we have missed something!
- Missing a longer period for a holiday may seem like a treat but it is hard to ‘catch up’ and has a negative impact on the teacher; the class and the school as well.
- Minor illnesses & aches and pains are often forgotten once they are in school with their friends
- Being late gets everyone’s day off to a bad start!
Obviously if your child is unwell with an infectious disease like chickenpox; sickness & diarrhoea; heavy colds; coughs or Covid – please keep them at home until they are better.
Measles is also on the rise in the country and can be extremely serious so talk to your GP if you have concerns.
Yours sincerely
15th September 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
It has been a lovely week, weather wise and also watching all the children settling back into their routines and their learning. Thank you if you popped in to say hello after school on Monday – I could see the children really enjoyed showing you their classrooms.
The new Y3 are settled and confident – their behaviour around the school has been great and their teachers are very proud of the start they have made. Y4, 5, & 6 are getting to grips with their learning. I spoke to several children this week who said they were really enjoying being back and the new challenges.
Our children are our best ambassadors and their cheerful greetings on the gate in the morning and afternoon; the way they support each other and their insightful and often funny comments make our day!
Thank you if your child is wearing correct uniform and has all the equipment they need for the school day – this makes a huge difference.
Lunches are going pretty well despite some staff shortages; equipment breakdowns and a large increase in meal take up. The system is still evolving but I need to say a massive THANK YOU to Mrs Itani; Mrs Oram; Mrs Corijescu and Mrs Price who, supported by Mrs Cookson and Ms Dunbavin, have worked like Trojans in the lunch hall this week.
Clubs start next week and other trips, visits and events are being booked in for the year. Club places have been allocated and if you have not received a confirmation email, your child does not have a place this half term.
Next Friday 22nd will be a non-uniform day led by School Council with the theme
The idea behind this day is for everyone to come to school dressed in a way that shows their personality and to look at ways to support their own and others' mental health. The School Council would like the proceeds from the Non-Uniform day to go to the charity ‘Young Minds'. Please support this and donate what you can.
Belonging to our school does not mean we are all the same – it means we are all valued for who we are.
Coming up:
- There will be some coffee mornings and drop in sessions for you to get to know staff and support your child’s education.
- Flu vaccines are 11th October
- Meet the Teacher evenings will be just before half term (w/c 16th October)
- Individual and sibling photos will be on the 31st October
There are a few things which will be different this year.
- Y3 are not planning a Harvest Event but are discussing how else they could share the children’s learning with you.
- Y4 won’t swim at Westcroft this year but there is an exciting development planned for September 2024.
- Y3 will enjoy the whole class instrument tuition and will be learning the recorder.
A few reminders as always:
- If your child is going home with someone else – we need this in writing.
- In all contact with the office, email and phone – please include your child’s class as this speeds things up enormously!
- All black school shoes; dark green polos or white shirts with ties please.
- Use the Absence form for reporting if your child is unwell: https://forms.gle/Rfg1u4bT5g5Tdqyv9
- All children need earbuds / headphones to use with their Chromebooks
Have a great weekend and thank you for all your support.
8th September 2023
Dear families of RHJ,
We are delighted to have all the children back and to welcome the new Y3 pupils and families. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer break, whatever you were up to.
This week’s letter is mostly reminders and key information so apologies in advance!
- Y3 children will come straight in to school from Monday morning
- If you would like to pop into classes after school on Monday 11th to see where your child sits and say hello, please do. If you can’t make it, please don’t worry, introduce yourself to the teacher at pick up one day.
- Your child will be told more about PE days, home learning, reading books etc over the next few days. PE Days (when they should come in PE Kit) are:
Y3 | Wednesday & Friday |
Y4 | Tuesday & Thursday |
Y5 | Monday & Tuesday |
Y6 | Wednesday & Friday |
- Pupil mobile phones are not allowed in school under any circumstances.
- If your child is not going to be in school due to sickness, a medical appointment or other reason, please let us know before 9.15am on the first day by completing the online Absence Reporting form https://www.robinhood-junior.org.uk/absence-reporting/
- If you would like your child to walk home alone or with a sibling – we must have this in writing. An email to office@robinhood-junior.org.uk before 2.30pm or via the homework diary is fine.
- If you want another adult to pick up your child, we need this in writing too. Safety is our priority.
- The new green polo shirts look very smart -– please only buy forest/dark green!
- If you do prefer a white collared shirt – please make sure your child wears a tie.
- School shoes or trainers should be plain black;
- Earrings must be studs and removed for PE or swimming days.
- No nail varnish please.
- Girls must wear PE shorts under their dresses to do handstands at playtimes!
- School lunches are free for all pupils now and the menu is on the website here https://www.robinhood-junior.org.uk/lunches/ .
Please help us with catering for this as we do not want to waste food.
On Monday each week your child will be asked if they would like:
- School lunch every day
- School lunch only on Fridays
- Packed lunch every day.
Please make sure they know what their pattern is each Monday. If they are away on Monday, they will be asked on the first day they return. Lunch money remains an item on Parent Pay as some people are due refunds but you will not be charged.
- Fruit and vegetable snacks only for break time (not cereal bars please)
- Dates to look out for will appear in the website calendar so please check this regularly.
- Please don’t let your children (juniors or infants) ride their scooters or bikes in the playground or use the play equipment – it is too busy at the end of the day.
- Letters about clubs have been sent via Parent Pay – they are always oversubscribed so please read the instructions carefully and sign up using the google form. If you haven’t yet signed up you may miss things!
Things that would really help us!
- Teach your child to use a knife and fork to eat their lunch. Many of them cannot use a knife to cut up their food.
- If they could learn to scrape their plate clean (without it ending up on their shirt) that would be amazing!
- Teach them to tie their shoe laces and tie (if they wear one).
- Name everything – even if it is just in biro on a label.
- Read to them; with them or hear them read every day