School Logo


Welcome to RHJ. Please read this description of our school, written by one of our Y6 pupils Niamh from Cedar Class and assessed by Mrs Bond, her teacher.

Head Teacher's Welcome


Welcome to Robin Hood Juniors, a strong and resilient community that thrives on the support of parents and families; local networks and neighbours. Despite the challenges of recent years we have kept that sense of belonging and the school has continued to move forward.  We are building on all we have learned and experienced and are working to take these forward.


We seek to create a safe, caring and happy environment in which all pupils are involved and can thrive personally, socially and academically.  Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.  We work in partnership with parents to give children the best possible chance to succeed.


We are community co-educational school for girls and boys aged from 7 to 11. We have up to 360 children on role, with three classes in each year group. At the moment we have a few more girls than boys.  Many children transfer to us from Robin Hood Infant School and we work closely with them to make sure this is a smooth transition. Our Year 6 pupils transfer to High Schools across the borough and in neighbouring boroughs.


We are a diverse community with around half of our pupils speaking another language as well as English and around a fifth being entitled to Pupil Premium Grant. Around 10% of our pupils receive support for a Special Educational Need or Disability. The inclusiveness and diversity of Robin Hood Juniors is very special. We look forward to meeting you.


Gary Kench & Emma Rix 

Acting Co-Head Teachers
