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School Life and Events

Year 4 - Explorer Dome for Science!

On 10th January, Year 4 had a visit from the Explorer Dome to help support their learning in Science for this half term. The dome was inflatable and we had to crawl through a tunnel to get to the main learning area! Once inside, we learnt all about what sound is, how sound is created and how we hear a variety of different things. It was a great experience, full of lots of lights and sounds, and we all enjoyed participating in the activities! 

Year 4 - Scootability Training

On Thursday 9th January, Year 4 received some scooter training from Scootability! We learnt how to brake carefully, how to follow a route that was set up like a road and even some tricks! We talked about the importance of road safety and looking around us when scooting to make sure we are making safe choices, especially when crossing roads. We all had great fun and we are looking forward to putting our new skills into practice when riding to school and at the weekends!

Christmas Corridor Displays

Year 4 Maths Workshop

On 16th October, the Year 4 teachers hosted a Maths workshop at school. The aim of this session was to share the strategies we use in Year 4 to solve maths calculations for all 4 of the operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The teachers demonstrated the methods first and then the adults had a turn at solving their own questions! At the end of the session, the children were invited to join their adults and have a go at answering some questions together. It was a really positive morning and we hope that it was useful to everyone that attended. If you were unable to attend the workshop, a copy of the presentation we used has been uploaded as a PDF document below.

Year 4 trip to Tilgate Nature Centre

At the beginning of June, Year 4 enjoyed a trip to Tilgate Nature Centre. They took part in a workshop, where they were able to touch a Hissing Cockroach and a snake, and learnt all about a variety of animals that live in different habitats. We then toured the rest of the Nature Centre to find some of the animals! Here are some pictures of our amazing day!

Year 6 Residential

The children have all been amazing this weekend and it has been a privilege to see their smiles and watch their individual achievements. Most have done things they have never done before and have showed courage, resilience and teamwork. We have seen children push themselves right out of their comfort zones, trying activities they never expected to be able to do.

We hope they aren’t too grumpy tonight and can sing you the milk song at least once!

Sleep well year 6 😴

Quote of the day “This is the best weekend of my life!”


After an evening of fun and games the children have slept well. They are just getting ready for breakfast and another morning of adventures.

Group 5

Group 5

After a good night and a substantial breakfast all the children were raring to go this morning. This morning’s adventures have included Survival, where they had to build a shelter and make fire, zip wire, giant paddle boarding and orienteering. Everyone is having a great time.

Off to explore!

Year 6 PGL

We have all arrived safely!

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw preformance from Y5


On Friday 22nd September, RHJ School Council decided to hold an ‘Express Yourself’ Non-uniform day in aid of raising money for the Young Minds charity.


It was a great day for all children to come to school wearing clothes that they felt represented them and allowed them to express themselves.  


At the end of September, Year 6 went on a trip to the Bluebell Railway in Sussex to support their learning on World War II and to learn more about the experience of evacuation for wartime children.

We all rode on a steam train and discovered what a blackout was like.  After lunch, we worked in groups: some of us were billeted to make-believe families upon arrival in the countryside; some of us learned about British and German planes by playing ‘Wingo!’; some of us wrote postcards home to our families in the towns and cities; and some of us were lucky enough to listen to first-hand accounts from two old men who had experienced evacuation as children all those years ago. 


As part of our marking the King’s Coronation children and staff were invited to come to school last Friday in their casual clothes, choosing colours to reflect any Commonwealth Country. It was fantastic to see so many beautiful colours being worn to reflect the countries in the Commonwealth (and a few that aren’t ☺).


We also held our very own ‘Royal Variety Performance’ from some of our many talented children – one act representing each class and ‘hosted’ by Mr Taylor. We had comedy acts, beatboxing, singing, gymnastics, piano and guitar performances. It was great fun and lovely to see the children being brave and supporting each other to celebrate their varied skills and talents.


The children also took part in a whole school quiz around the Kings & Queens of England.


On Tuesday 2nd May, 30 members of our RHJ choirs travelled to Stanley Park Junior School to join with other schools in a massed rehearsal of 'The Magic Flute' ahead of their concert next month. The children were led by an expert singer from The Royal Opera house and really enjoyed the experience.


‘I was blown away by the quality of their singing and cannot wait to see them perform at The KS2 Big Sing on the 13th June.’ - Mr Amer (Music Lead)


Last Thursday, Year 5 travelled by coach to Wisley Gardens. The trip complemented their topic ‘Living things in their habitats’. The children saw a wide variety of plants used for both food and decoration, their different parts and the conditions they need to grow well.


The World Food Garden was a great opportunity for the children to see how fresh produce was being grown and were even able to touch and smell the different herbs.


On the walk up to the Glasshouse we saw a spectacular sight of thousands of tulips (270,000 to be exact!). Once in the Glasshouse, it felt as if you were walking into a jungle. As you followed the path, the environment and climate changes gradually, taking you on a tour through the world of plants.


The weather was beautiful, and the children enjoyed being able to eat their lunch on the grass in the sunshine. The children behaved exceptionally well and were a credit to the school. We hope they enjoyed coming home and telling you all about their fun filled day


10 Year 6 students were selected to take part in the UK Junior Maths Challenge. It was a 60-minute, multiple-choice challenge that encouraged mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency.


‘The Junior Maths Competiton was quite challenging, especially the last few questions. Even though it was hard to solve, I still enojoyed trying to work out the problems; it was fun’- Olivia (Rowan)


Only 50% of the schools who take part achieve a certificate, and those children who are awarded a Gold go forward onto the next stage. We achieved a total of 7 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze! Well done to all children who took part, you showed hard work, courage and determination.


We are thrilled to announce that, having successfully gained a place in the National Finals, our team of budding scientists have been invited to the stunning Oxford University Examination Schools for this event. We will be off to Oxford on Monday 3rd July 2023 where the team will compete against a number of schools from all around the country.


This is a truly fantastic opportunity for the children, an experience that I am sure will stay with them! 





On the morning of 25th January, a team of our scientists from Year 5 and 6 – Jessica, Niamh, Ocean and Aryan - took part in the semi-final of the National Science Quiz. They were all absolutely amazing, answering questions across all three areas of Science – from a question about the 7th chemical element on the periodic table, to naming the sound associated with shock waves created when an object travels through the air faster than the speed of sound! With each passing round, the team progressed further up the leader table - moving from 31st at the end of Round 1 to an impressive 11th at the end of the final round. The first 11 schools are automatically through to the finals. We are extremely proud of our scientists, well done team!



Over the past couple of weeks, Year 6 teachers and children have welcomed parents into the classrooms to work with their children on Year 6 SATs papers for Reading and Maths. We do this to help them gain a greater understanding of the hard work their children put in and the progress they are making in preparations for KS2 SATs next term. This has proven to be really useful to parents, giving them a greater insight into strategies used by their children and it has undoubtedly given them a new respect for the complexity of the work their children tackle on a daily basis!


After coffee and biscuits and a Powerpoint presentation giving parents information on the format of SATs, children arrived to collect their grown up and set them to work! We were so thrilled to see and hear parents supporting their children; to see and hear great collaboration; and to see and hear children sharing their wisdom and strategies with their parents



On Friday 25th November, the children came in to school wearing their casual clothes in exchange for a small donation. Each class were assigned a child to buy for, and chose a gift with the money their class collectively raised.


The Salvation Army receives a list from Sutton Social Services with the number of families who need help to make sure their children have some gifts to open this Christmas.


The gifts were then ordered and taken over to the Salvation Army, ready to be wrapped and handed to the families ready for Christmas.


Compassion is an attribute we value highly at Robin Hood Junior School and this appeal is a great way for the children to acknowledge the importance of thinking of others and showing kindness.


Thanks to the generosity of our families, our Non-Uniform Day raised a staggering £503 to spend on Christmas gifts.  



On Thursday 24th November, a team of budding scientists from Years 5 and 6 took part in the first round of heats for the annual National Science Quiz 2022.


The questions in each round progressed from 20 point questions to 100 points and covered areas of Chemistry, Biology and Physics. At the end of round 1 we were positioned in 15th place out of the 82 schools competing. By the end of round 4 we had unfortunately dropped to 48th position. The final round consisted of five 100 point questions, the team worked together to share their wealth of scientific knowledge and smashed every question – winning all 500 points on offer! When the final scores were announced we were on the edge of our seats, our final ranking was 15th out of 82.


Our team astounded me throughout the competition, with their knowledge of the periodic table, information about our solar system and beyond, and even facts about Bluetooth radio waves!

I would like to congratulate Jessica, Niamh, Aryan and Ocean, who have automatically secured a place in the semi-finals which will be held early next year. Well done team!


