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Curriculum Vision

At Robin Hood Junior School we will support children and adults to be:


  • literate and numerate –we want to achieve outcomes which build on our starting points and reflect our high expectations


  • hardworking – this means being reflective and resilient; able to persevere, punctual and aware of our place in society


  • communicators –through all areas of the curriculum and in all our interactions with others we aim to communicate clearly and effectively


  • brave – we are taking risks in our learning, extending ourselves and those around us


  • compassionate – showing we are aware of differing experiences and opportunities; being proactive, tolerant and open to ideas.


We hope you will see this through our Strategic Development Plan; our curriculum plans and most importantly through the children’s developing knowledge and understanding of subjects; the world they live in and the connections between them. We want to build a growing web of memory!


Our curriculum planning will:


  • Focus on coherence and narrative within subject domains so key concepts are regularly revisited.
  • Be sequenced and imaginative
  • Connect pupils to great works of the past and the richness, variety and opportunities of the modern world.
  • Teach reflection, critical thinking and questioning.
  • Maintain the quality of teaching and commitment so that no child gets left behind.


As a maintained school we follow the National Curriculum including a detailed programme of Relationships, Sex & Health Education. Personal development is a priority in all we teach as are our expectations for learning attitudes and behaviours. We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are taught a curriculum that aims to prepare them for life in modern Britain. Teaching the school’s core values alongside the fundamental British Values, (of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs), supports quality teaching and learning, whilst making a positive contribution to the development of a fair, just and civil society.

Assemblies and whole school events support this and celebrate our life in this country; diversity and inclusion are reflected and embedded and will continue to develop.


School Development Plan 2024-25
